
4 H.H.C. (18**) & T.L. & S.R. (19**)
?do u>m!chael.schre!ber@wu-w!<uncode !T :rfc-fr2e-s2one2t!na
?do u want 2 re-member a fax-s!m!l!x of t!mE .there was a 1854 le2terbound
th!nker of joy ends ?do u scan your box da!ly & = !t st!2l h2th!P ::.
,a set = a s!m!lar once only sp2edy w!2l! maC .never ever the same fun aga!n even
!n a new paC ?th!s joy-decay dr!ves par!ah & pr!esT 2 !ts scorE .test go''en4s
pest - !t = a d2or 2 far out morE :::
?hel! saud! cal.-w!ne derushd!-squads R x-ray-!mploy-inC .sm2!le sa!d 3x - tr!ce
blank ste2l sm!le forever rhyme ,tri2ger ha2py tr!2ger guard!an w!thout @@@@ &
reason ?v!rtue sh!n!ing du2l parade - al419## !ce = w!nkinC :::.
,ski2ming the health-cream, dump!ng the flesh & b1 .holy s!x !n the brown,
speakers on 500+ bandS ?= !t that u R 2 g2od 2 b true w!th suprema-C .:::.
- Dr. Michael F. Schreiber, Vienna, Austria
Dr. Michael F. Schreiber, Vienna, Austria