dumb animal

a donkey
pushes a girl
down the road
away from a car
which lies upside-down
in the ditch	
radio still playing
the girl is weeping
but the donkey does not stop
pushes her with his nose
until she stumbles
and falls

i am six years old
watching from our car
as the medic picks up the girl
and puts her in the ambulance

and now 1 wonder
if a donkey	
can care enough or know	
to save an injured girl
pushing her for some reason	
perhaps how he would	
another donkey, not letting her
go down
to be taken
by the wolves

or was this cruelty
making fun of something
less fortunate	
the way young boys	
tear the legs off frogs
and laugh?

or something else
so dark and unconcious	
there is no logic	
but an undefined twist of energy
that keeps falling down
a black hole.

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