
my father was born
with a heart
that was not beating.

the doctor said
to the midwife
put the baby in a shoebox
we will try to save
the mother.

and while the doctor
pushed inside my grandmother
with sweaty hands
that shook with uncertainty
my great aunt rose
an old cowlitz woman

who chain-smoked
and had emphysema
pulled my father out of the shoebox
and pressed her lips
against his breathless mouth
and gave him what little air
she had

my father lived
to watch two of his children
born with hearts
that were not beating.
he put them in a shoebox
and buried them

and my father lived
to kill one hundred japanese soldiers
with a big gun called a howitzer at the battle of leyte gulf-- one hundred hearts that were not beating brought back to life by tokyo rose with her propaganda lies about their victory and a kamikaze
pushed his airplane inside the ocean missing the hull of the ship that carried my father away from the battle of leyte gulf the kamikaze sparing the lives of all but himself his sweaty hands shaking with uncertainty.
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