ISSN 1715-7978

JUNG: the e-Journal
of the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies

Volume 2, 2006

Darrell Dobson

Table of Contents and Abstracts

Theory Matters: Analytical Psychology and the Human Experience of Despair
Robert L. Moore, PhD
Chicago Theological Seminary 
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
 Listen to "Theory Matters"

Synchronicity in the 21st Century
Helene Shulman Lorenz
Pacifica Graduate Institute
California, U.S.A.

Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House and the Strange Question of Trans-Subjectivity
Jodey Castricano, Ph.D
University of British Columbia Okanagan 
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

One Mind: Jung and Meister Eckhart on God and Mystical Experience
Christine Herold, Ph.D.
The College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York 

Prometheus and the Process of Individuation: A Jungian Reading of Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound
Thomas R. Simons
Boston College

Utilizing the Concept of the Shadow in Fiction Writing in order to Facilitate a Dialogue between Ego Consciousness and the Unconscious
Madeline Sonik
Through (with) the Looking Glass
Through (with) the Looking Glass: A Reflection
Karen Elias, Ph.D.

Book Review:
Jung as a Writer by Susan Rowland
Madeline Sonik

  JUNG: e-Journal