ISSN 1715-7978

JUNG: the e-Journal
of the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies

Volume 2, 2006

Darrell Dobson

Author Biographies

Jodey Castricano (Ph.D.) Jodey Castricano is an Associate Professor in the Department of Critical Studies
at the University of British Columbia's new campus in the Okanagan where she teaches critical approaches to literature, film, and the history of ideas. She is the author of Cryptomimesis: The Gothic and Jacques Derrida's Ghost Writing and is currently working on a book-length study entitled Occult Subjects: Literature, Film, Psychoanalysis and is researching the interdisciplinary use of Virtual Reality technology in the Humanties. 

Christine Herold (Ph.D.) Christine Herold is a mother and grandmother, artist, runecaster and energy worker. She is a professor and scholar of ancient literature and archetypal literary analysis.  She earned her B.A. in English Literature at Williams College in 1987, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Medieval and Renaissance Literature at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1991 and 1994.

Helene Shulman Lorenz (Ph.D.) is a core faculty member and research coordinator for the Depth Psychology Program at Pacifica Graduate Institute, as well as former Academic Dean. She has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Tulane University and completed training as a Jungian analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. She has taught philosophy, psychology, and intercultural studies at Sonoma State and Saint Lawrence Universities. Author of Living at the Edge of Chaos: Complex Systems in Psyche and Culture, she has also published several articles and book chapters linking depth psychology with cultural and post-colonial studies, trauma theory, liberation psychology, and engaged spirituality. She has been active for many years in cultural movements for social justice and community development in the United States and Latin America, and more recently has lectured and given workshops on the contributions depth psychology might make to understanding and transforming social conflict. She also works with the Center for the Theater of the Oppressed in Los Angeles.

Robert L. Moore (Ph. D.) is a Psychoanalyst and Consultant in private practice in Chicago and Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Spirituality at the Chicago Theological Seminary. He is an internationally recognized author, lecturer, and workshop leader.
     Dr. Moore is one of the few psychoanalysts in the world who has studied comparative psychoanalytic theory and practice in depth, receiving a diploma in more than one psychoanalytic tradition. His work on neo-Jungian structural psychoanalysis, decoding the structures of the human self, has led to his receiving international recognition as a major psychoanalytic theorist.
     In addition to his practice of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy, he also teaches and has served as a training analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago and lectures widely in the United States and abroad on topics relating to psychoanalysis, ethics, and human spirituality. He is also in demand as an executive coach and consultant in leadership and organizational development to business and government.
     Author and editor of numerous books in the field of psychology, psychoanalysis, and spirituality; he is editor of the Paulist Press series on Jungian Psychoanalysis and World Spiritual Traditions, an interdisciplinary series relating psychoanalytic insight to the major traditions of human spirituality.
     Dr. Moore is perhaps most widely known for his work on ritual process and the masculine psyche. His five volume series on masculine psychology and spirituality (co-authored with mythologist Douglas Gillette) is the most influential theory of masculinity in today’s international discussion. The structural psychoanalysis outlined in these books has put him at the forefront of theory in masculine psychology, masculine spirituality, and masculine initiation. 
     Click here for a list of works by Dr. Moore.

Thomas R. Simons (M.A.) received his Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and his Master of Arts degree from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. Currently he is a Ph.D. student at Boston College and is completing his dissertation: “Being and the Imaginary: An Introduction to Aesthetic-Phenomenology and English Literature 1738-1896.”  His academic and research interests center around poetry and non-fiction prose in 18th and 19th Century English Literature – with particular concentrations on Samuel Johnson, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Walter Pater. His work often pursues an interdisciplinary focus on connections between literature and philosophy – primarily with German Idealism, Existential Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, and Literary Anthropology.  His article “Coleridge Beyond Kant and Hegel: Transcendent Aesthetics and the Dialectic Pentad” is forthcoming in Studies in Romanticism.

Madeline Sonik (M.F.A., M.A.) holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing and an M.A. in Journalism; she is a doctoral candidate in the Centre for Cross Faculty Inquiry in Education at the University of British Columbia. Her book length works include the children's novel Belinda and the Dust Bunnies (Hodgepog Press), the novel Arms (Nightwood Editions), and the short story collection Drying the Bones (Nightwood Editions) Her dissertation uses a Jungian framework to explore issues of voise and voicelessness in Creative Writing teaching and practice.

 Table of Contents and Abstracts