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Misleading and Misguided
The federal government is again proposing mandatory sentences and stiff penalties for drug offenders. But evidence shows that they only worsen an already dire situation. This briefing paper explains why everyone loses.

Legal Network News
A first-ever bid to use Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime, a flawed model law on HIV, and a new executive director at the Legal Network — it’s all in this issue of our quarterly newsletter.

Undue Force
This booklet presents an overview of provincial legislation on forced testing for HIV in Ontario, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba — and then explains why forced testing is unnecessary and unjustified.

Do Not Cross
What is the impact of law enforcement practices on HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment for people who use illegal drugs? Read this report to find out.


News Releases

November 20, 2007 — New Anti-Drug Bill Likely to Lead to More Cases of HIV
News Release and Backgrounder

November 20, 2007 — Legal Network President Named National Recipient of Canadian Institutes of Health Research Award
News Release

October 2, 2007 — Insite Extension a Political Manoeuvre Instead of a Public Health Decision
News Release

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The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network is a non-governmental organization in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
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