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November 2007

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October 2007

  • Human Rights and HIV/AIDS: Now More Than Ever

  • Speaking Out on ODSP: Coalition Strategy Conference (November 15, 2007) — Director of Communications Leon Mar will deliver a workshop on media relations to this conference of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).
    For more information, visit

  • Access to Medicines and Intellectual Property: An International Expert Meeting on Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime, Global Developments, and New Strategies for Improving Access
    Meeting Report

  • Durham Regional HIV/AIDS Conference: Engaging Communities (November 28, 2007) — Executive Director Richard Elliott will deliver a plenary presentation on criminal law and HIV disclosure at this event hosted by the AIDS Committee of Durham Region.
    For more information, visit

  • AIDS Committee of Guelph 3rd Annual HIV/AIDS Symposium (November 26, 2007) — Senior Policy Analyst Alison Symington will present a workshop on criminalization and HIV at this annual symposium for front-line community workers.
    For more information, visit

  • 4e Conférence latine sur la réduction des risques liés à la consommation de drogues (CLAT 4) [4th Latin Conference on the Reduction of Drug-related Harm] (December 1, 2007) — Director of Research and Policy Richard Pearshouse will deliver a presentation in Spanish on Legislating for Health and Human Rights: Model Law on Drug Use and HIV/AIDS at this three-day conference.
    For more information, visit

  • Insite Extension a Political Manoeuvre Instead of a Public Health Decision — Existing evidence shows supervised injection facility should be permanent
    News Release

  • Ottawa Adopting Failed U.S.-style “War on Drugs” — New National Anti-Drug Strategy plays politics with people’s lives
    News Release

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September 2007

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August 2007

  • Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Announces Richard Elliott as Its New Executive Director
    News Release

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July 2007

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June 2007

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May 2007

April 2007

  • Prevention and Protection: Enhancing Both HIV Testing and Human Rights in Canada

  • HIV Testing — series of 12 info sheets

  • AIDS and public security: the other side of the coin — Commentary by Executive Director Joanne Csete published in The Lancet

  • 2007 Annual General Meeting (June 10–11, 2007)
    For more information, visit

  • “The Other War on Drugs”: International Panel to Discuss Access to Medicines in Developing Countries
    Media Advisory

  • Legal Network Releases 13-point Plan to Parliament to Fix Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime
    News Release

  • Getting the Regime Right — Brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology regarding Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime

  • Legal Network to Propose Immediate Steps to Fix Canada's Access to Medicines Regime
    Media Advisory

  • House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology (April 18, 2007) — Deputy Director Richard Elliott will appear as a witness before this committee regarding Canada's Access to Medicines Regime
    For more information, visit

  • The Other War on Drugs: Access to Medicines in Developing Countries (April 19, 2007) — Experts from Canada, India, Thailand and Médecins Sans Frontières will speak about current developments undermining access to affordable medicines in developing countries
    For more information, visit

  • Civil-society briefing on Canada’s Access to Medicines Regime (April 25, 2007) — Deputy Director Richard Elliott will conduct a briefing session for civil society organizations by teleconference at 1 p.m. ET
    For more information, visit

  • Can prosecution protect and prevent? Public health and human rights impact of criminalization of HIV transmission and exposure (April 27, 2007) — Senior Policy Analyst Alana Klein will present this workshop at the Standard Margins Law and Sexuality Conference
    For more information, visit

  • The Far-Reaching Implications of HIV/AIDS (May 4, 2007) — Executive Director Joanne Csete will speak at the Spring Meeting of the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of International Law
    For more information, visit

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March 2007

February 2007

January 2007

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