May / June
Vol. 33, no. 3
National Library Says Thank-You to Long-Time CIP Partner
David Balatti, Director, Bibliographic Services
On April 2, 2001, the third and last of the major changes being made this year to the National Library of Canada’s Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) program took place when National Library staff assumed responsibility for the services provided to Ontario publishers for the past 18 years by the staff of the University of Toronto library. As reported in the January-February 2001 issue of the Bulletin, the first two major changes made this year occurred on October 1, 2000, when the National Library began providing the CIP services previously offered to Atlantic Canada publishers by Dalhousie University’s Killam Memorial Library, as well as extending the mandate of the University of British Columbia library’s CIP operations to cover Saskatchewan and Manitoba, in place of the University of Manitoba’s Dafoe Library.
The National Library wishes to mark the occasion by acknowledging the contributions made by the University of Toronto to the success of the Canadian CIP program over the past 18 years. During that time, close to 50 000 bibliographic records were provided to Ontario publishers. The number of titles processed increased steadily each year, as did the number of new publishers brought into the program. Noteworthy as the statistics are, numbers alone are not the full measure of the University of Toronto’s accomplishments in the evolution of the CIP program -- even more impressive is the respect and admiration earned by the CIP staff for the quality of services they provided to Ontario publishers. Their helpful work has been much appreciated by both the publishers and the National Library.
Thank-you, in particular, to
- Julia Callaby
- Margaret Gibb
- Maureen Harris
- Gloria Leckie
and other University of Toronto staff members who worked on the CIP program in the past. The National Library of Canada would also like to thank Carole Moore for her unfailing support for the Canadian CIP program over the years.