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Council on Access to Information for Print-Disabled CanadiansGwynneth Evans, Director General
In response to recommendations made by the Task Force for Access to Information for Print-Disabled Canadians, on February 22, 2001, National Librarian Roch Carrier launched the Council on Access to Information for Print-Disabled Canadians. The Council’s role is to provide advice, identify funding requirements, monitor progress and make recommendation regarding the implementation of Fulfilling the Promise: The Report of the Task Force on Access to Information for Print-Disabled Canadians. (See article in the December 2000 issue of the National Library Bulletin.) The Report found that 3 million Canadians are unable to read conventional print as a result of visual, physical or learning disabilities. It was also noted that Canada lags behind its counterparts in the OECD in supporting the production of alternate format materials and ensuring equitable access to assistive devices and training. The Council on Access to Information for Print-Disabled Canadians is working to ensure that this large group of Canadians has the necessary access. As stated by the Honourable Sheila Copps, Minister of Canadian Heritage: "In our knowledge society, information is synonymous with power. With more and more information available, it is important that it be made accessible to every member of our society."
Council members who have been appointed by Mr. Carrier include consumers and consumer groups, publishers, alternate format producers (private and not-for-profit sectors), educational institutions, public libraries, and a number of senior officials whose role is to facilitate dialogue and ensure connection with the Federal Disability Agenda. Mr. Carrier emphasized that: "It is important for all members to feel committed to finding the appropriate means to implement the recommendations that touch every age group and segment of Canadian society." Following their first meeting, Council members are confident that progress will be made towards ensuring that all Canadians are able to access the information they want when they want it. For current information on the Council, its terms of reference and work plan, visit their Web site at www.nlc-bnc.ca/accessinfo. A bilingual listserv and a French-language listserv have also been created in order to facilitate discussion and the sharing of information. To join the listservs, please refer to the following instructions: Bilingual Listserv To subscribe to the list, send an e-mail to the following address: In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE ACCESSINFO-L Firstname Lastname French Listserv To subscribe to the list, send an e-mail to the following address: In the body of the message type: SUBSCRIBE ACCESPOURTOUS-L Firstname Lastname For further information on the Council and its activities, please contact Gwynneth Evans, Director General |