May / June
Vol. 33, no. 3
Fifth Release of Canadiana CD-ROM Now Available
The fifth release (December 2000) of Canadiana: The National Bibliography on CD-ROM is now available. This issue brings the coverage of Canadiana publications to the end of December 2000. It contains more than 1.8 million records, including:
- all the bibliographic records for Canadiana that have appeared in the National Library of Canada’s national bibliographic services since their inception;
- bibliographic records for maps, atlases and globes from the Carto-Canadiana file of the National Archives of Canada;
- bibliographic records for Early Canadiana created by the Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions (CIHM);
- name authority records created by the National Library of Canada to the end of December 2000;
- access via the Internet to: AMICUS, the National Library of Canada’s bibliographic database; Canadian Subject Headings on the Web; Université Laval’s Répertoire de vedettes-matières (RVM); the National Library of Canada’s Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) Rule Interpretations; and the Canadian ISBN Publishers’ Directory.
All of the bibliographic and authority records are in MARC 21 format. This release of Canadiana CD-ROM contains Update #1 of the MARC 21 Format for Authorities in English and French, as well as the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, published jointly by the Library of Congress and the National Library of Canada.
This fifth issue of Canadiana CD-ROM comprises two CD-ROM disks. All authority records and the MARC 21 formats appear on both disks.
For a demonstration of Canadiana: The National Bibliography on CD-ROM, visit the NLC Web site at www.nlc-bnc.ca/canadiana/ or, to receive a demo diskette, contact:
Marketing and Publishing
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street
K1A 0N4
Telephone: (613) 995-7969
Fax: (613) 991-9871
TTY: (613) 992-6969
E-mail: distribution@nlc-bnc.ca <mailto:distribution@nlc-bnc.ca>
When ordering Canadiana: The National Bibliography on CD-ROM, please quote the following catalogue number:
Cost: $129.95 ($139.05 with 7% GST)
Order from:
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Canadian Government Publishing
Ottawa ON
K1A 0S9
Telephone: (819) 956-4800 or 1-800-635-7943
Fax: (819) 994-1498 or 1-800-565-7757
Web site: publications.pwgsc.gc.ca