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January / February
Vol. 34, no. 1

The 2001 Agatha Bystram Award for Leadership in Information Management

On November 26, during the Annual Fall Seminar of the Council of Federal Libraries, National Librarian Roch Carrier announced Fay Turner and Vicki Kohse, both with the National Secretariat of the Canada Business Service Centres at Industry Canada, as the 2001 winners of the Agatha Bystram Award for Leadership in Information Management.

Initiated by the Council of Federal Libraries in recognition of Agatha Bystram, one of the federal library community’s most respected pioneers in the management of federal information, the Agatha Bystram Award, or "Aggie," is given annually to federal government employees in one of following fields: information resources management; records/document management; library and information science; informatics/information technology; access to information and privacy; or archival science.

This year’s winners are being commended for their work on the Business Start-up Assistant Web site (, developed by Industry Canada’s Canada Business Service Centres (CBSC). The site brings together information from the Canada Business Service Centres, the federal and provincial governments, and the business community, providing entrepreneurs with everything they need know to launch a successful business, including how to conduct a market assessment and write a business plan, and what every new business owner should know about financing and taxation.

Fay Turner, one of this year’s co-recipients, is currently a project manager with the National Secretariat of the Canada Business Services Centres, but she started her career at the National Library of Canada, where she managed projects relating to the development, implementation and promotion of networking standards and new technologies for libraries. Earlier this year, Fay Turner received the Technology in Government Distinction Award’s Bronze Medal for her work on the Business Start-up Assistant site.

Vicki Kohse, Director of Information Management in the National Secretariat of the Canada Business Service Centres, manages the development of national information management products and IM standards for the CBSC network. In her position, Ms. Kohse has been actively involved in furthering the Government of Canada’s Government-On-Line agenda at both the federal and provincial levels.

It was evident by the number and quality of this year’s nominees that the innovation and creativity of those working in the management of federal information can be found throughout the government. From Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s Modern War Crimes System to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ Habitat Referral Tracking System, and from the Department of National Defence’s Business Management Database Implementation to Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency’s Library Intranet Project, the range and calibre of the work being done in this field are truly impressive.

For more information on the Agatha Bystram Awards, please contact

Julia Goodman
Development Officer, Council of Federal Libraries
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street, Room 215
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N4
Telephone: (613) 996-7271
Fax: (613) 947-2916