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May / June
Vol. 34, no. 3

"A Tale of 30 Years"

Last March 19, at the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec in Montreal, Communication-Jeunesse welcomed collaborators, partners and friends to the closing night of its 30th anniversary celebrations. President Patricia Lemieux invited Ms. Paule Daveluy, founder and first president of Communication-Jeunesse, to share her reflections on the creation and development of the organization.

Vice-president Angèle Delaunois and Board Director Daniel Sernine then unveiled the names of the new honorary members: Charlotte Guérette, associate professor of literature for children and youth at Laval University, and Michelle Provost, current coordinator of the Livres ouverts project for Quebec’s Department of Education.

Yves Léveillé, head of the 30th Anniversary Committee, launched the special 30th anniversary issue of the Bulletin des membres de Communication-Jeunesse, Il était une fois… Communication-Jeunesse, a publication which he edited. Guests had the opportunity to visit an exhibition of the main publications Communication-Jeunesse produced in the course of the last 30 years.

From left to right: Johanne Gaudet, Executive Director, Communication-Jeunesse; Patricia Lemieux, Coordinator, Media Library, Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, and President of Communication-Jeunesse; Céline Gendron, Director, Canadian Literature Research Service, National Library of Canada.
© Communication-Jeunesse. Photo : Pierre Beauchemin.

The National Library of Canada and Communication-Jeunesse collaborate on a number of projects to promote Canadian children’s literature, including Read Up On It, the National Library’s guide to the best in Canadian children’s literature, and the Fun of Reading: International Forum on Canadian Children’s Literature. To learn more about the Forum see pages of this issue of the Bulletin or visit the Forum Web site at