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Bulletin cover  Previous ArticleContents

July / August
Vol. 34, no. 4

Former Staff Receives Award

Gwynneth Evans and Paul Whitney were co-winners of the CLA (Canadian Library Association) Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award, 2002.

Gwynneth Evans, recently retired from her position as director general, National and International Programs, National Library of Canada, and Paul Whitney, Chief Librarian of Burnaby Public Library, Burnaby, B.C. jointly received the CLA’s highest honour. Commitment to excellence, service, literacy, and the library profession, as well as selfless giving of time to many worthy causes, including the mentoring of young professionals, were mentioned by the Awards Committee as common characteristics of this year’s winners.

The CLA Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award recognizes achievement that is outstanding in its own field, and of lasting significance in the development of Canadian library service.