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September / October
Vol. 34, no. 5
Help is on Its Way!
André Paul, Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services
"At last, some new staff!" That is what many thought when the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services branch (ABS) hired the first group of full-time employees in a long time, in fact, since the mid-1990s. Of course, there had been some isolated hiring, but it is really only since April 2001 that ABS has been able to hire several employees at the same time. More than 12 full-time employees have been hired since then. These new recruits have filled posts left vacant by staff who retired during the previous year. There will more than likely be other vacancies to fill over the next few years, the average age of Library staff being rather high.
Fresh reinforcements have taken over and assumed tasks linked to the various services offered by the branch to its clients, individuals or organizations, from Canada or around the world. Welcoming these young recruits to their team and acknowledging their fervour and determination to learn and make themselves useful is a source of motivation for the well-established staff.
These recruits come from different backgrounds and bring with them experiences that enrich the Library. Over the course of this last year, we have hired persons with various linguistic backgrounds, including Slavic languages, Hebrew, Chinese, German and Dutch, to process works in these languages and to support the strategic objectives undertaken by the Library: to collect and make available the works produced by various ethnic communities in Canada and to supply material relating to both their culture and country of origin.
Among the reinforcements who arrive each year, let's not forget the students from the library technician and library science schools who come to help us in the summer or at other times of the year. The branch hires approximately 15 students a year. Thanks to their contribution, the Library is better positioned to serve Canadians by making accessible their published heritage.
Legal Deposit Division Employees
Front row, from left to right: Janet Relihan, Pierre Trudel, Linda Goulet; back row, from left to right, Mary Jane Glynn, Jean-Rony Benoît, Diane Giroux. Not present: Stéphanie Bernier, John Bessie, Hélène Clément, Sébastien Daneau, Robert Gosselin, John Hache, Angie Hooles, Marie-Julie Hyppolite, Jacquie Ramnarine.
Acquisition Services Division Employees
Front row, from left to right, Craig Obonsawin, Marsha Lavallee, Stephen Saikkonen; back row, from left to right, Mariette Brodeur, Claire Robinette, Luke Fortune. Not present: Marie-Josée Diotte-Hamelin.
Monograph Cataloguing Division Employees
Front row, from left to right, Leah Cohen, Christine Blais, Linda Theriault; back row, from left to right, Myriam McCormack, May Zhou, Joanne Paterson. Not present: Vicki Bowness, Alison Harding, Nicolas Laflamme, Mike Saunders, Tatiana Slavko.
Government Publications and Serials Cataloguing Division and the Union Catalogue Division Employees
Front row, from left to right, Michael van Dyk, Michael Andrassy; back row, from left to right, Diane Corneau, Paula Van Strien. Not present: Sandy Anderson, Mylène Dorion, Kimberly Henley, Kelly Ireland, Kim Julian, Peter MacMillan, Catherine Neville-Henseler, Mark Taverna, Nadine Thompson, Martine Vaillancourt.
Metadata Action Team, Systems Unit and Standards and Support Division Employees
Front row, from left to right, Deane Zeeman, Bill Leonard; back row, from left to right, Carolyn Holbrook, Jane Brind’Amour, Katherine Turner-Smy. Not present: Monia Desrosiers, Andrew Dunnett.
Bibliographic Services Directorate Employees
From left to right: Louise Castonguay, Anik Chénier. Not present: Dawna Gallagher, Bruno Pichette.
Examples of Services Offered by ABS Staff
- Acquisition and cataloguing of Canadian publications by Canadian authors or with Canadian content: Legal Deposit, retrospective purchasing, gifts and exchanges, Canadiana, the national bibliography, Canadiana records in AMICUS, the Electronic Collection, Cataloguing in Publication (CIP), Canadian Theses Service.
- Acquisition and cataloguing of publications supporting other Library services and programs, such as, special collections, material supporting Canadian studies, multiculturalism.
- Cataloguing standards and tools: MARC 21 formats, interpretations of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2), Canadian Subject Headings, the FC and PS8000 classification schedules, Canadian authorities records, MARC Records Distribution Service.
- Canadian information sources research tools: the Union Catalogue, the Canadian Information by Subject portal, Forthcoming Books, New Books Service.
- Services for Canadian Publishers: International Standard Book and Serial Numbers (ISBN and ISSN), the CIP program, Canadian Government's Publishers' Window, Canadian ISBN Publishers’ Directory.