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September / October
Vol. 34, no. 5

New Director General of Information Technology Services

Peter Bruce is returning to the Federal Public Service after a two-year leave of absence to work with the Government of Ontario. While there, he worked with the Ministries of Education and Training, Colleges and Universities as well as at Management Board Secretariat. He has extensive experience with the Federal Public Service, having worked in six departments over 16 years. His public service career has been focussed on meeting governments’ needs for information technology, records management and library services. Peter Bruce completed a B.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of Ottawa and an MBA at Queen’s University.

In his capacity as director general, Information and Technology Services, Mr. Bruce is looking forward to contributing to both the National Archives and National Library as they work to collect, preserve and share Canada’s national heritage.

Peter Bruce can be reached at
Telephone: (819) 997-7223
Fax: (819) 994-6835