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Vol. 34, no. 6

Aboriginal Resources and Services Coordinator

National Librarian Roch Carrier announced the appointment of Deborah Pelletier in the newly created position of Coordinator of Aboriginal Resources and Services.

Deborah Pelletier, a Métis from Saskatchewan, will develop and promote the National Library collection and encourage more individuals, communities and organizations to access Aboriginal and other resources at the Library. She will also recommend and coordinate future initiatives and partnerships between the National Library of Canada and First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities.

"Deborah is a welcome addition to the staff. Her knowledge and experience will help ensure that the vast collection of Aboriginal resources at the Library is more accessible to the Aboriginal community and to the general public," says the National Librarian.

Deborah Pelletier has worked as a teacher, librarian, educational consultant and workshop facilitator in Saskatchewan. She was also the recipient of the National Library of Canada’s Library Science Trainee Program Award, completing a Master of Library and Information Studies degree at the University of Alberta.

"I am looking forward to inviting individuals and communities to share ways of gathering and protecting Aboriginal knowledge, especially that of the Elders, for current and future generations. And, I am hopeful that we can work together to find ways of providing better access to the National Library collection so that all First Nations, Métis and Inuit can use these resources," says Deborah Pelletier.

The Library is a Canadian culture institution whose mandate is to serve all Canadians by protecting, promoting and making accessible Canada’s published heritage. The Library has an extensive collection of Aboriginal-specific resources. The collection includes annual reports from the Department of Indian Affairs dating back to 1864; rare books; genealogical resources, newspapers and periodicals, sound recordings, books and other published and non-published works on music, myths and legends, literature and history; and government documents. Other major Aboriginal resources are continually being made available to the general public via the Library’s Web site (

Deborah Pelletier can be reached at (613) 943-2398 or