November/December 2003 Read Up On It - All the World’s ChildrenJosiane Polidori, Canadian Children’s Literature Service, Research and Information Services Every fall, Library and Archives Canada publishes the Read Up On It reading kit. The publication is designed for teachers, librarians, daycare workers, parents, literacy groups and anyone interested in reading and books for children and young adults. Read Up On It is a bilingual publication that includes a selection of Canadian books for young French-speaking and English-speaking readers, detailed notes for each book, as well as an annotated list of award-winning books in Canada and abroad (award-winning books are included in the Web version only). This year’s kit contains a bibliography and biographical information about the illustrator Philippe Béha, whose illustration appears on the cover. The theme for the 15th year of Read Up On It is the richness and diversity of Canada’s cultural traditions. The title, All the World’s Children, reflects a commitment to openness and understanding. The kit brings together books written or illustrated by Canadian artists from a variety of cultural backgrounds, as well as books that promote a pluralistic society. The general criteria for inclusion in the kit are as follows: books by Canadian authors or illustrators published at home or abroad; books available from distributors and publishers; books written in either official language; books that reflect Canada’s geographic, regional and cultural diversity; selection of novels, short stories or fairy tales, works of non-fiction and illustrated books; books appropriate for children aged 2 to 16; books with high quality text and illustrations in which the text matches the illustrations. Numerous partners and sponsors are involved in the development and distribution of Read Up On It. We would like to thank the following organizations for their support: the National Literacy Secretariat, the Canadian Library Association (CLA), the Association pour l’avancement des sciences et des techniques de la documentation (ASTED), the Canadian Children’s Book Centre and Communication-Jeunesse. Again this year, the Canadian National Institute for the Blind and the Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille worked with us to select titles in alternate formats. Every year since 1988, Library and Archives Canada has produced Read Up On It. The publication is available at no charge to anyone who would like to receive it. Some of the many themes from over the years are magic, nature, music, humour, adventure and Aboriginal legends. Publications from previous years, as well as annotated reading lists of award-winning books, are available on the Library and Archives Canada Web site at To receive print copies of Read Up On It, please contact: Read Up On It |