Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Legal, Ethical and Human Rights Fund

Projects Funded 2004-2006

Prisoners with HIV/AIDS Support Action Network - Harm Reduction & Prisons: An Analysis of Programs and Materials in Federal Prisons
(December 20, 2004 to September 30, 2006)

The objective of the project is to identify standard for HIV prevention and harm reduction in prisons. A discussion paper will be produced, which will outline the 'best practice' model and include: an evaluation section outlining what recommendations will ensure best service for HIV and/or HCV positive or at risk prisoners, and a follow up section including an 'action plan' which will record the next steps that the stakeholders will undertake.

Réseau de Chercheures africaines - Health and Human Rights of Francophone Women from Countries where HIV/AIDS is Endemic
(phase 1: December 2004 to March 31, 2005; phase 2: April 1, 2001 to September 30, 2006)

The organization's mandate is to bring together French-speaking women from racial and ethnocultural minorities. The network devotes itself to these women's integration. The objective of the project is to examine the impact of the refugee status claims process on the ability of refugee claimants to access appropriate HIV/AIDS services in Canada.

Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network - Aboriginal HIV/AIDS, Privacy and Confidentiality Initiative in Canada
(November 23, 2004 to September 30, 2005)

This project aims at understanding the Canadian and international privacy law as it impacts on the Aboriginal community. The role of Aboriginal customary law and culture as well as the knowledge and activities of the Aboriginal HIV/AIDS community will be examined. The findings resulting from this project will be disseminated to a wide range of stakeholders including: Aboriginal communities, non-Aboriginal communities and regional/provincial/territorial/federal governments.

Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network - Addressing Factors that Contribute to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic Among Canadian Youth: Engaging Youth in an HIV/AIDS and Human Rights Analysis
(November 23, 2004 to September 30, 2005)

The objectives of the project are to engage and increase the participation of youth who are living with or vulnerable to HIV/AIDS and youth workers in identifying the specific social, economic, environmental and health factors that contribute to the epidemic among youth; increase the capacity of youth workers and youth living with or vulnerable to HIV/AIDS to analyze their own and their peers personal experiences and knowledge of stigma and discrimination, in terms of human rights; and to enable youth workers and youth living with or vulnerable to HIV/AIDS to participate in the national response to the epidemic.

Canadian AIDS Society - Medical Marijuana Regulation and Access: Issues for people living with HIV/AIDS
(December 15, 2004 to March 31, 2006)

The objectives of the project are to stimulate discussion among stakeholders on issues related to the regulation of medical marijuana and the distribution/access issues faced by people living with HIV/AIDS; build and strengthen partnerships in and among stakeholders involved in regulation and dissemination of medical marijuana; and increase capacity of community-based HIV/AIDS groups to address the legal, ethical and human rights issues faced by exemptees and therapeutic users. The expected results of this project include the development of a report with recommendations and a plan of action for community involvement to address the legal, ethical and human rights issues identified regarding the regulation of and access to medical marijuana; an improved plan for providing access to medical marijuana in Canada; and increased capacity of
community-based HIV/AIDS organizations to assist people living with HIV/AIDS and provide them with information and resources regarding the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes so that they can make informed decisions.

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network - Right to Health of Prisoners
(December 21, 2004 to September 30, 2006)

The objectives of the project are to increase knowledge and understanding of the legal, ethical and human rights issues related to HIV/AIDS treatment, as well as HIV prevention, in prisons; to increase the capacity of governmental and non-governmental stakeholders to address theses issues; to increase involvement of relevant stakeholders in the discussion of these issues. The activities the organization will undertake to meet the objectives are to establish a project advisory committee; publish a short, user-friendly paper on access to treatment for HIV-positive prisoners; publish a short paper providing information and analysis about access to HIV prevention measures in Canadian prisons in 2005; disseminate both papers and communicate the importance of the issues addressed in the papers.

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network - Meaningful Involvement of Drug Users
(November 19, 2004 to March 31, 2005)

The project objectives are to increase knowledge and understanding of the issues related to greater involvement of injection drug users including the related ethical and human rights issues; increase the capacity of stakeholders to involve injection drug users more often, and in a more meaningful fashion; and increase the involvement of drug users in the development of policy responses to HIV/AIDS in Canada. The activities the organization will undertake to meet the objectives are: establishment of a project advisory committee; publication of a paper on drug user involvement; dissemination of paper; communication efforts; development of evaluation tools and project evaluation.

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network - Prevention, Protection: Enhancing HIV Testing, Respecting Human Rights
(April 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006)

The objectives of the project are to increase the capacity of the organization and the Canadian Public Health Association to promote legal and policy approaches that increase HIV testing in a manner that respects and protects human rights; to stimulate discussion among stakeholders concerning legal and policy approaches to HIV testing in Canada; to strengthen the development of sound legal and policy responses on this topic.

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network - Canadian HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review
(April 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006)

The objectives of the project are: to increase knowledge and understanding of legal, ethical and human rights issues; to increase the capacity of governmental and non-governmental stakeholders to address those issues; to increase involvement of relevant stakeholders in the discussion and coverage of legal, ethical, and human rights issues related to HIV/AIDS; to increase access to up-to-date, accurate, and well-researched information on these issues.

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network - Research & Policy Development: New and Emerging Issues
(April 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006)

The objectives of the project are: to increase the capacity of stakeholders to analyse a new and emerging legal, ethical and human rights issue related to HIV/AIDS; to stimulate informed discussion of that issue among stakeholders, to strengthen the contribution of the stakeholders to the development of sound legal and policy responses that reflect human rights norms.

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network - Addressing Barriers to Harm Reduction Measures for People who Inject Drugs
(April 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006)

The objectives of the project are: to increase the capacity of relevant stakeholders to analyse the issues related to injection drug use and barriers to harm reduction in Canada (in three areas: needle exchange, safe injection, and the impact of law enforcement policies and practices on the effectiveness of harm reduction measures); to stimulate discussion among stakeholders in addressing the issues arising in a manner that respects, protects and fulfils human rights; to strengthen the contribution of stakeholders to the development of sound legal and policy responses.