Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Current National HIV/AIDS projects funded

National HIV/AIDS Knowledge Exchange Fund

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is inviting applications from eligible non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for the National HIV/AIDS Knowledge Exchange Fund (KEF). This funding program aims to enhance and sustain an effective strategy of knowledge exchange with front line organizations that work with HIV/AIDS and those at risk in Canada. This request for proposals (RFP) is for up to two years of funding (2007-2009) with the possibility of renewal.
More information >>

Specific Populations HIV/AIDS Initiatives Fund - call closed

The Specific Populations HIV/AIDS Initiatives Fund (the Populations Fund) is an important component of PHAC grants and contributions under the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada. The Populations Fund supports national projects that prevent HIV infection, increase access to appropriate diagnosis, care, treatment and support and increase healthy behaviours amongst Canada's populations most affected by HIV/AIDS and most vulnerable to infection. More information >>

Questions, Answers, and Corrections

AIDS Community Action Program (ACAP)
Grants and Contribution Allocation Project 2005
Final Report

San Patten and Associates were contracted by the Public Health Agency of Canada, Regional Offices (PHAC RO) to prepare a discussion paper that provides options and recommendations for an allocation formula. Principal researchers were San Patten, MSc. and Roxanne Felix, MSc.

This allocation formula will guide regional distribution of Grants and Contribution(G&C) resources under the regional AIDS Community Action Program (ACAP), beginning April 1, 2006.

National HIV/AIDS Voluntary Sector Response Fund
Request for Proposals Information Kit - call closed

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is inviting applications from eligible national voluntary sector organizations for the National HIV/AIDS Voluntary Sector Response Fund (NHVSRF).

National HIV/AIDS Grants and Contributions Funding Programs under the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is realigning its national HIV/AIDS grants and contributions (G&C) funding programs administered by the HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division (HIV/AIDS Division).  

Funding Available through the HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division, Public Health Agency of Canada

The HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division, Public Health Agency of Canada, administers a number of funds under the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada that contribute to strengthening the Canadian response to the epidemic.

Best Practices Models for the Integration of HIV Prevention, Care, Treatment and Support

The goal of this fund is to increase the availability of best practice models of integrated initiatives that reduce HIV transmission and provide support for those living with HIV/AIDS to maintain/improve their health.Back to top

HIV/AIDS Information Service Initiative Fund (HISI)

The purpose of this fund is to provide a national service whereby high quality HIV/AIDS information is identified, made meaningful, and available. The result will be that HISI will contribute to informed decision making by people living with HIV/AIDS and those at risk of infection.

  • Request for Proposals (2004-2005) - Call Closed

Legal, Ethical and Human Rights Fund

This fund aims to support research, analysis, education and advocacy that focus in particular on the legal, ethical and human rights dimensions of Canada's response to HIV/AIDS, with a view to strengthening the overall social justice framework that guides the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada.

National HIV/AIDS Capacity Building Fund

The goal of this fund is to develop and support national initiatives that develop or sustain the skills and knowledge of individuals working in areas related to HIV/AIDS in order to strengthen their ability to respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Canada.

National HIV/AIDS Community-Based Social Marketing Fund

The purpose of this fund is to support the development and implementation of national community-based social marketing campaigns to address specific themes and target audiences.

National HIV/AIDS Demonstration Fund

The goal of this fund is to contribute to the HIV/AIDS evidence base by supporting the development, implementation and rigorous evaluation of innovative initiatives to prevent HIV transmission/acquisition and/or increase access to HIV/AIDS care, treatment and support. A key focus of the fund is to support knowledge dissemination and uptake activities to ensure that the lessons learned from demonstration projects are utilized by communities across Canada. The National HIV/AIDS Demonstration Fund builds on the Best Practices Fund.

  • Request for Proposals: Date for release to be determined.

National Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Operational Fund

The goal of this fund is to support, enhance and sustain an effective response to HIV/AIDS in Canada. It aims to strengthen community involvement and to provide leadership in the Pan-Canadian response.

  • Request for Proposals (2004-2005) - Call Closed Back to top

Non-Reserve First Nations, Inuit and Métis Communities HIV/AIDS Project Fund - call closed

The purpose of this fund is to provide funding for time-limited projects that will enhance the capacity of Aboriginal communities to address HIV/AIDS, encourage sustainability and partnerships, and strive to make HIV/AIDS a part of the work being done by existing Aboriginal services/agencies that may not presently do this type of work.

Regional HIV/AIDS Funding

AIDS Community Action Program (ACAP) Funding:
