Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canada's Report on HIV/AIDS 2004

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4 The Way Forward

Despite the progress that is evident throughout this report, the challenges of HIV/AIDS remain daunting and multi-faceted. Nevertheless, the resolve of those involved in the Canadian response is steadfast. Bright, energetic and dedicated people continue to become engaged, often devoting their entire working lives to making a difference for those living with or vulnerable to HIV/AIDS.

"Complex" and "changing" are among the words commonly used to describe the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Similarly, "adaptability" and "resilience" have been hallmarks of the response. Setbacks on some fronts are often countered by new developments and new partnerships in others. One constant, however, is the need to do more - both in Canada and abroad.

Increases in funding over the next five years - and the additional investments this will leverage from other levels of government, NGOs, not-for-profit foundations and the private sector - will further strengthen Canada's response to HIV/AIDS. At the same time, the renewed federal framework will serve to clarify, expand and reinforce the federal role in HIV/AIDS. And Leading Together, An HIV/AIDS Action Plan for All Canada will provide a solid foundation for enhancing engagement across society while identifying common targets to which all Canadians can contribute.

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