Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canada's Report on HIV/AIDS 2004

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5 Key National Partners

Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network

A national coalition of Aboriginal people and organizations providing leadership, advocacy and support for Aboriginal people living with and/or affected by HIV/AIDS.
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Canadian AIDS Society

CAS is a coalition of 120 community-based AIDS organizations across Canada. Its member organizations are directed by people living with HIV/AIDS and people from communities affected by HIV/AIDS. CAS's mandate is to speak as a national voice and act as a forum for a community-based response to HIV infection, as well as to advocate for persons so affected, to act as a resource for its member organizations, and to coordinate community-based participation in a national strategy on HIV/AIDS.
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Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange

CATIE is Canada's national, bilingual source for HIV/AIDS treatment information. It provides information on HIV/AIDS treatments and related health care issues to people living with HIV/AIDS, their care providers and community-based organizations.
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Canadian Association for HIV Research

CAHR is an association of Canadian HIV researchers. Members' interests include basic sciences, clinical sciences, epidemiology, public health and social sciences.
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Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research

CANFAR is a national charitable foundation created to raise awareness in order to generate funds for research into all aspects of HIV infection and AIDS.
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Canadian HIV/AIDS Information Centre, Canadian Public Health Association

The Canadian HIV/AIDS Information Centre is the central Canadian source for information on HIV prevention, care and support for health and education professionals, AIDS service organizations, community organizations, resource centres and others with HIV/AIDS information needs.
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Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

The Legal Network promotes policy and legal responses to HIV/AIDS that respect the human rights of people with HIV/AIDS and those affected by the disease.
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Canadian HIV Trials Network

The CTN is a partnership committed to developing treatments, vaccines and a cure for HIV disease and AIDS through the conduct of scientifically sound and ethical clinical trials.
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Canadian Institutes of Health Research

CIHR, Canada's major federal funding agency for health research, administers most of the research funds for the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS. CIHR supports all aspects of health research, including biomedical, clinical science, and health systems and services, and the social, cultural and other factors that affect the health of populations.
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Canadian International Development Agency

CIDA's goal is to support sustainable development in order to reduce poverty and contribute to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world. HIV/AIDS - a key component of programming for CIDA and its many partners since 1987 - is one of the organization's four social development priorities.
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Canadian Treatment Action Council

CTAC is a national organization that promotes access to treatment on behalf of people living with HIV/AIDS. CTAC works with government, the pharmaceutical industry and other stakeholders to develop policy and systemic responses to treatment access issues.
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Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation

The CWGHR is a national, charitable, non-profit organization that promotes innovation and excellence in rehabilitation in the context of HIV disease.
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Correctional Service Canada

Correctional Service Canada is a federal government department reporting to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. The Department plays an important national leadership role and contributes to the prevention, care and treatment of HIV/AIDS in the correctional environment.
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Health Canada

Several responsibility centres within Health Canada contribute to the goals of the CSHA, including the Departmental Program Evaluation Division, the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch and the International Affairs Directorate

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Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development

ICAD is a coalition of Canadian AIDS service organizations, development NGOs, faith-based agencies, educational institutions and individuals interested in international HIV/AIDS issues. Its mission is to lessen the spread and impact of HIV/AIDS in resource-poor communities and countries by providing leadership and actively contributing to the Canadian and international responses.

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International Council of AIDS Service Organizations

ICASO works to strengthen the community-based response to HIV/AIDS, connecting and representing AIDS service organizations in all regions of the world.
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Public Health Agency of Canada

The newly established Public Health Agency of Canada, the lead federal department for issues related to HIV/AIDS, administers the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS through CIDPC and its regional offices.

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