Public Health Agency of Canada
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Sustainable funding requirements

Estimated annual costs of C-EnterNet's integrated surveillance program are $1 million per year per sentinel site. Ongoing funding is being sought from provincial and federal partners that share responsibility for food and water safety. C-EnterNet is intended to be a sustainable program that will expand to up to five sentinel sites across Canada, once funding is secured.
The surveillance network established by these sites, and the integration of public health with water, agriculture and retail food components within each site, will produce data that will help program evaluation and policy development in Canada .

The following diagrams provide a breakdown of funding and its use at the Region of Waterloo pilot sentinel site.

Distribution of Funds for the C-EnterNet Pilot Sentinel Site

Distribution of Funds for the C-EnterNet Pilot Sentinel Site

Annual Funding for C-EnterNet Pilot Sentinel Site (excludes leveraged funding).

Annual Funding for C-EnterNet Pilot Sentinel Site (excludes leveraged funding).