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Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Resource Links (CBRN)

Guides/Fact Sheets/Handbooks/Listings/Booklets/Documents

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Links to other Web sites are provided for information and education, but should not necessarily be considered as endorsements of the information or opinions. Health Canada assumes no responsibility or liability for material on linked sites.

CBRN Resource Links

Table of Content

  1. Canadian Emergency Management Agencies/Organizations
  2. US Emergency Management Agencies/Organizations
  3. International & National Health Organizations related to CBRN
  4. Web Resource Centres /Librairies /Networks /Portals /Databases
  5. Journals/Magazines/ Periodicals/ Newsletters & Publications
  6. Universities/Schools of Public Health & Others
  7. Governments
  8. CBRN Quick References
  9. Guidelines/ Regulations / Contingency Plans/ Procedures/ Protocols/
  10. Guides/ Fact Sheets/ Handbooks/ Listings/ Booklets/ Documents
  11. Upcoming Events of Interest

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Guides/ Fact Sheets/ Handbooks/ Listings/ Booklets/ Documents
Agriculture, Animals and Plants
plus image Covert Biological Weapons Attacks Against Agricultural Targets
Assessing the Impact Against U.S. Agriculture
Harvard University
plus image HC/CEPR, Office of Laboratory Security
plus image Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories
plus image CANUTEC's Home Page
plus image Chem / Bio Defense Report
DOD. Volume 1
plus image Volume 2
plus image Quarterly Biosafety Listings
Health Canada
BioTerrorism Articles
plus image Maryland Department of Health / Bioterrorism Article Compendium
plus image U.S. Food and Drug Administration
CBRN Agents Information
plus image Acute Radiation Syndrome: Fact Sheet for Physicians
plus image BioAgents
plus image Biological Agent Fact Sheets
plus image Biological Agents Information. John Hopkins
plus image Bioterrorism Information and Resources. IDSA (Excellent)
plus image Bioterrorism Slides
plus image Bioterrorism Wall Chart
plus image Coping with an Attack, A Quick Guide to Dealing with Biological,
Chemical and 'Dirty Bomb' Attacks Posters.
plus image Chemical Agents List and Information
plus image Chemical Terrorism Wall Chart
plus image Control Biological Agent Information
plus image CBRN Agents Information
plus image CBRN Products and Services Handbook
plus image CBRN: Quick Primer for Clinicians on Detecting Public Health Emergencies.
Medical Society of the State of New York.
plus image Demilitarization of Chemical Weapons Emergency Room Procedures in Chemical Hazard
plus image Disaster Org
plus image NBC Matrix
plus image Select Agent Program
plus image US Army
plus image U.S. Army Surgeon General. Nuclear, Biological,
Chemical Reference materials
CBRN Detection
plus image Bio Agents Detectors
plus image Bio Agents Detectors
plus image Decon Liability for First Responders
plus image Decontamination Equipment for Emergency First Responders
plus image Firefighter Quick Reference Card for a Suspected Chem/Bio Attack.
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, US Army.. September 2003
plus image Firefighter Quick Reference Card for Mass Casualty Decontamination.
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, US Army. September 2003
plus image Radiation Incidents, "Model Radioactive Material or Multiple Hazardous
Materials Decontamination Procedure", Dpt of Energy
plus image The decontamination of people exposed to chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear substances or material.
United Kingdom, 2003.
plus image U.S. Army Decontamination Fact Sheet
plus image US Army Guidelines for Mass Casualty Decontamination
During a Terrorist Chemical Agent Incident
plus image US Navy/Decon Factsheets
Detection Equipment
plus image Guide for the Selection of Chemical Agent and Toxic
Industrial Material Detection Equipment for Emergency First Responders June 2000
National Institute of Justice
plus image National Institute of Justice/ Guide for the Selection of Chemical Agent and Toxic Industrial Material Detection Equipment for Emergency First Responders June 2000
Disaster Preparedness for all
plus image A Federal Employee's Emergency Guide, US Office of Personnel Management
plus image A guide to citizen preparedness
plus image A Guide To Disaster Declaration Process
plus image Department of Homeland Security
plus image Disaster Guide
American Red Cross
plus image Disaster Management Central Resource
The Joint Military Medical Centers, San Antonio, TX
plus image Disater Preparedness for Pet Owners
plus image Disaster Preparedness for Nurses
plus image Disaster Preparedness for Pharmacists
plus image Your Emergency Preparedness Guide
plus image Federal Manager's/Decision Maker's Emergency Guide, U.S. Office of Personal Management
plus image Guide on Special Needs of People with Disabilities
plus image NBC Personal Protection
plus image Preparing Makes Sense, Get Ready Now", Personal Preparation Guide.
Dpt of Homeland Security. 2003
plus image Protecting First Responders: Lessons Learned From Terrorist Attacks
plus image Shelter in place
plus image Your Home Guide To Emergency Preparedness
Disease Fact Sheets
plus image Agent Info
plus image Agent Reference
plus image Agent Reference
plus image Agent Reference
plus image Agent Reference
plus image Agent Resources
plus image Agent Resources
plus image Bio Agent Factsheets
plus image Bio Agent Factsheets
plus image Biological Weapons and Warfare
plus image Disease Information, Selected Prevention and Program Areas
plus image Infectious Diseases Information
plus image Rare Diseases
National Institutes of Health office.
  US Army/Agent Quick Reference
plus image Virology BT Web Site
Drug Preparedness & Response
plus image Drug Preparedness and Response to Bioterrorism
Emergency Preparedness
plus image Bioterrorism Preparedness Cecklist
plus image California Hospital Bioterrorism Planning Guide
Dept of Health, 2002
plus image Emergency Management
FEMA bibliography
plus image About FEMA
plus image Emergency Preparedness and Security Resources,
Federal Transit Administration, On line version of resource CD
plus image Emergency Preparedness Information Exchange
Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada
plus image Federal Coordinating Center Guide NDMS, Dpt of Health and Human Resources, OEP
plus image Mitigation Practitioner's Handbook
Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, USAID
plus image Office of Emergency Preparedness, Planning and Training Documents
plus image Office of Emergency Response Services Documents
plus image Office of Public Health Security Documents
plus image Ontario Emergency Planning: A Guide to Emergency Planning for Community Officials
plus image Office of Emergency Preparedness planning documents/guides
plus image OSHA Fact Sheets
plus image Planning Documents
plus image Radiation Incidents, Guidance for Radiation Accident Management
Prehospital Emergency Services" Radiation Emergency Assistance
Center/Training Site (REAC/TS)
plus image State and Local Guide
101: Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning
Emergency Response
plus image CDC/NIOSH Emergency Response Resources
plus image Chemical Emergency Response Guidebook
plus image Chemical/HAZMAT spills
National Response Center,
plus image Emergency Services WWW Site List
plus image Emergency Response Guidebook 2000
plus image Emergency Response Guidebook
Department of Transportation
First Responder's Guide for HAZMAT operations
plus image First Responders Web Resources
plus image Metropolitan Medical Response System Planning/Operational Documents
plus image OSHA Emergency Preparedness and Response
plus image Criminal and Epidemiological Investigation Handbook, Dpt of Justice, FBI
Field Operations
plus image Field Operating Guide
US Coast Guard
plus image FDA/Bioterrorism Info
plus image Dept. of Justice. Training & Resources
plus image Dept. of Justice. Training & Resources
plus image US Food Safety Information
Hazardous Materials
plus image Chemical Hazards Pocket Guide
plus image Developing a Hazardous Materials Exercise Program
A Handbook for State and Local Officials
US Department of Transportation
plus image Hazardous Materials Employee Resource Book
plus image Harzardous Materials Guide For First Responders
plus image Hazardous Materials Guide for First Responders, US Fire Academy
plus image Hazardous Materials Information Resource Ssystem
Dpt of Defense
plus image Harzardous Materials, Medical Management Protocols, 1991
plus image Managing Hazardous Materials Incidents, Volume I,
Emergency Medical Services: A Planning Guide for the Management of Contaminated Patients,
ATSDR, 1 Jan1992.
plus image Managing Hazardous Materials Incidents, Volume II,
Hospital Emergency Departments: A Planning Guide for the Management of Contaminated Patients
ATSDR,1 Jan 1992.
plus image Medical Summary Sheets for Hazardous Materials
plus image National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Publications
plus image Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities
October, 1985 DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 85-11
plus image Radiation Incidents, "Hazardous Materials Incident Response
Procedures", Dpt of Energy
plus image Storage and Handling of Hazardous Materials DOD publication
plus image The Hazmat Laptop, resources
Hospitals & Health Facilities
plus image Hospital Disaster Planning Resource List
plus image Emergency Room Procedures in Chemical Hazard Emergencies A Job Aid
plus image Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in HC Facilities, 2001
plus image HAZMAT For Healthcare
plus image Hospital Emergency Incident Command System
plus image Hospitals and Community Emergency Response -- What You Need to Know
plus image OSHA/Health Care Facilities Safety Resources
Incident Handbook
plus image Chemical, Biological, Radiological Incident Handbook
Director of Central Intelligence, Oct 1998
Incident Command System
plus image Hospital Emergency Incident Command System
California EMS
plus image Incident Command System
US Coast Guard
Information Management & Risk Communication
plus image A Primer on Health Risk Communication Principles and Practices
plus image Bioterrorism: Information Technology Strategy Could Strengthen
Federal Agencies' Abilities to Respond to Public Health Emergencies.
GAO-03-139, May 30
  Highlights (pdf)
plus image CDC Health Alert Network
plus image Communicators Guide
plus image Emergency Response Communications Plan for Infectious Disease Outbreaks and BT Events
plus image Public Services Communications Manual
plus image Red Cross/Talking about Disaster: uide for Standard Messages
plus image "Understanding Wireless Communications in Public Safety:A Guidebook to
Technology, Issues, Planning, and Management."
plus image Us DHHS/Risk Communication Guidelines for Public Officials, 2002
plus image US Emergency E-Mail Network
plus image Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 4th Edition
plus image Laboratory Security and Emergency Response Guidance for Laboratories Working with Select Agents
Legal & Law Enforcement Issues
plus image Bioterrorism Law and Policy
plus image CDC Legal Issues
plus image Criminal and Epidemiological Investigation Handbook
plus image CT Legislation
plus image Medical and Public Health Law Site
Lessons Learned
plus image Planning against Biological Terrorism: Lessons from Outbreak Investigations, D.A. Ashford
Material Safety Data sheets
plus image Hazmat on the Web
plus image Material Safety Data Sheets
Health Canada
plus image Material Safety Data Sheets
plus image Material Safety Data Sheets
plus image Material Safety Data Sheet Web Pages
Medical Management & Treatment Guidelines for CBRN
plus image Antibiotic Treatment Site for BT agents
plus image Casualty Management After a Deliberate Release of Radioactive Material. National Centre for Environmental Health, US
plus image Casualty Management After Detonation of a Nuclear Weapon In an Urban Area
National Centre for Environmental Health, US
plus image CBRN Clinical Info
plus image Chemical Contamination Treatment Guidelines
Medical Management Guidelines for Acute Chemical Exposures
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Back to top
plus image Chemical and Biological Defense Information
DOD site
plus image CHRIS Manual (Chemical Hazards Response Information System)
US Coast Guard
plus image CNS - Chemical and Biological Weapons Resource Page
plus image Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare, Textbook of Military Medicine *
plus image Medical Examiner/Coroner Guide for Mass Fatality management of chemically contaminated remains. US Army SBCCOM, May 2003.
plus image Medical Management Guidelines for Acute Chemical Exposures
U.S. Department of Human Services,
Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry
plus image Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook,
US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
plus image Medical Management of Chemical Casualties Handbook,
US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
plus image Medical Management of Radiological Casualties Handbook,
US Army
plus image Medical NBC Defense Information Server News
plus image Protecting Workers from Anthrax Infection (Factsheets) (NIOSH)
Response from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
plus image Public Health Emergencies, Quick Primer for Clinicians on detecting Bioterrorism
plus image Radiation Casualty Management
plus image Radiation Incidents, "Model Annex for Preparedness and Response to a
Radiological Transportation Accident", Dpt of Energy
plus image Radiation Incidents, "Model First Responder Procedures for
Radiological Accidents" Dpt of Energy
plus image Radiation Incidents, "Pocket Guide for Responders to Ionizing Radiation
Terrorism." Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute.
Back to top
plus image Radiation Information
plus image Radiation Information
plus image Radiation Information
plus image Radiation Issues, Department of Homeland Security Working Group on Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Preparedness. 5/1/03
plus image Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, EPA, March 1999
plus image FM 8-285 Treatment of Chemical Agent Casualties and Conventional Military Chemical Injuries
plus image US Army Field Manual, 8-284, Treatment of Biological Warfare Casualties, 17 Jul 2000.
Mental Health / Trauma & Stress
plus image CDC, Mass Trauma Information Site
plus image Coping with the aftermath of a Terrorist Attack
plus image Coping with the Stress of Terrorism and Armed Conflict. Health Canada, Office of Emergency Response Services
plus image Disaster Response; Helping Children and Adolescents after a
Disaster.Overview.September 2001, AACAP, USA
plus image Field Manual for Mental Health and Human Service Workers in Major Disasters
plus image Helpful Info after Traumatic Events
plus image Helping Children Handle Disaster-Related Anxiety - Media Awareness Network
plus image Mental health, Field Manual for Mental Health and Human Service Workers in Major Disasters
plus image NIH/Mental Health & Mass Violence
plus image Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); Facts for Families #70. AACAP, USA
plus image Post-Traumatic Stress in First Responders
plus image Sesame Street Video to Help Kids Deal With Terrorism Sesame Workshop, June 2003
plus image Traumatic Stress Info
plus image Dealing with the Stress of Recovering Human Dead Bodies
plus image Disaster Mortuary Info
plus image Guidelines for Mass Fatality Management During Terrorist Incidents Involving Chemical Agents
plus image Guidelines for Protecting Mortuary Affairs Personnel from Potentially Infectious Materials
plus image Procedures for Medical Examiners on handling a body
plus image Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Terrorism: General Guidance Pocket Cards:Bio Card
plus image Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Terrorism: General Guidance Pocket Cards:Chem Card
plus image Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Terrorism: General Guidance Pocket Cards:Radiation Card
Back to top
Protective Equipment
plus image Hazmat/PPE
plus image National Institute of Justice Vol I:
plus image National Institute of Justice Vol IIA:
plus image National Institute of Justice Vol IIB:
plus image National Institute of Justice Vol IIC:
plus image OSHA/ Personal Protective Equipment
plus image Personal Protective Equipment Guide for Military Medical Treatment
Facility Personnel Handling Casualties from Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism Events. Technical Guide 275. U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine. August 2003
plus image Personal Protective Equipment Program, Office of Health and Safety,
plus image Respirator fact sheet: "What you should know in deciding whether to buy escape hoods, gas masks, or other respirators for preparedness at home and work." NIOSH. April 14, 2003
plus image Respiratory Protection Program Manual, Office of Health and Safety, CDC
plus image Selection of PPE & Bio Preparedness: Risks & Costs
Public Health Response
plus image Canada Communicable Disease Report
plus image Public Health Image Library (PHIL), CDC
plus image Public health response to biological and chemical weapons: WHO guidance, 2nd edition (Draft, May 2003)
Safeguards of Buildings
plus image Basic Info On Building Protection
plus image Building Protection Guide, "A Guide to Strengthen Emergency Management of High-Rise and High-Risk Buildings,"
Ontario Office of the Fire Marshal, 2002.
plus image Fire and Explosion Planning Matrix, Building and Facility Planning
Guides, OSHA. Oct 2003.
plus image Guidance for Protecting Building Environments from Airborne Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Attacks NIOSH, May, 2002
plus image NSC/Guides for protection of multiple buildings
plus image Safeguarding Buildings Against Chemical or Biological Attack
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Back to top
plus image A Biosecurity Checklist for School Foodservice Programs:
Developing a Biosecurity Management Plan.
US Department of Agriculture. October 2003.
plus image Schools, National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities
Emergency Planning Resources
Special Needs
plus image Guide on the special needs of people with Disabilities, for emergency
managers, planners & responders"
National Organization on Disability, Emergency Preparedness Initiative, 2002.
Surveillance / Early-Warning Systems
plus image DOD Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System
plus image Real Time Outbreak and Disease Surveillance
Suspicious Packages
plus image HC / What to do about Suspicious Letters or Packages
plus image Radiation Incidents, "Model Procedure for Properly Handling and
Packaging Potentially Radiologically Contaminated Patients",
Dpt of Energy
plus image Control Travel Advisory page
plus image Travel Medicine Program Advisories & Recommendations
Health Canada
Triage and WMD
plus image Chemical Weapons Improved Response Program Play Book: Responding to and Managing a Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorist Event. US Army SBCCOM.
plus image EMS Sector Standard Operating Procedures, Supplement 11, Hazardous Materials Response Handbook, NFPA, 1997.
plus image Emergency Response Guidebook (First Responder's Guide for HAZMAT operations), DOT. 2000
Back to top
plus image Emergency Response Guidebook (First Responder's Guide for HAZMAT operations), DOT. 2000
plus image Emergency Response to Incidents Involving Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents, Supplement 14, Hazardous Materials Response Handbook, NFPA, 1997
plus image Emergency Response to Terrorism Job Aid, National Fire Academy
plus image Guidelines for Responding to a Chemical Weapons Incident. Domestic Preparedness Program. USASBCCOM. March 2001.
plus image Guidelines for Responding to a Chemical Weapons Incident. Domestic Preparedness Program. USASBCCOM. March 2001.
plus image Hazardous Materials, Medical Management 2d Edition,
Feb 1991, California EMS
plus image "The HAZMAT Laptop", Consolidated resource listing, lectronic resources
plus image Managing Hazardous Materials Incidents, Volume I, Emergency Medical Services: A Planning Guide for the Management of Contaminated Patients, ATSDR, April, 2001.
plus image NFPA 473: Standard for Competencies for EMS Personnel Responding to Hazardous Materials Incidents, 1997.
plus image Radiation Incidents, "Casualty Management After Detonation of a Nuclear Weapon In an Urban Area", CDC
plus image Radiation Incidents, "Casualty Management After a Deliberate Release of Radioactive Material", CDC Fact Sheet.
plus image Radiation Incidents, "Guidance for Radiation Accident Management -Prehospital Emergency Services" Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS)
plus image Radiation Incidents, "Model Procedure for Properly Handling and Packaging Potentially Radiologically Contaminated Patients", Dpt of Energy
Back to top
plus image Defense against Toxin Weapons, Dpt of Defense
plus image Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook, US Food & Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition
plus image TOXNET, Toxicology Data Network
National Library of Medicine
Water Issues
plus image EPA/Water Infrastructure Security
plus image Physician Preparedness for Acts of WaterTerrorism. Guide
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Handbook
plus image J-3 WMD Handbook. Dpt of Defense,Joint Chiefs of Staff,

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