Public Health Agency of Canada
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Children - Adolescents 7 -18 Years.

Your Voice Matters

Health Canada's theme for National Child Day 2000 and 2001 focussed on child and youth participation. For National Child Day 2000, Health Canada developed an interactive website to provide children and adolescents with an opportunity to express their views about their priorities and thoughts on issues related to the upcoming United Nations Special Session on Children. For National Child Day 2001, the results of this activity were compiled and presented in Your Voice Matters: Young People Speak Out on Issues Related to the UN Special Session on Children.

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Youth Version of Canada's National Report: Ten Year Review of the World Summit for Children (663 KB)

The United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children, to be held in New York May 8-10, 2002, will serve as the ten-year review of progress made on the goals of the 1990 World Summit for Children. The objectives of the Special Session are:

  1. to review achievements since the 1990 World Summit for Children; and
  2. to renew commitments and consider future action. As part of this review, each participating country is required to submit a national report. National reports will be compiled by UNICEF and submitted for review by the UN Secretary General.

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