Public Health Agency of Canada
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Children and Adolescents 7 - 18 years

Healthy Development:

Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC)
HBSC is a cross-national study of the health behaviours of young people aged 11 to 15. It is supported by the World Health Organization and is carried out by research teams from 35 countries in Europe and North America.


National Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children reports:

Développement sain

School Health:

healthy schools



Safe and Supportive Environments

safe environments

This link will take you to another Web site (external site) Aboriginal Head Start (AHS)
Community Action Program for Children (CAPC)
Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program
CAPC /CPNP National Projects Fund (NPF)
FASD Initiative - What's New
Centres of Excellence for Children's Well-Being