Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Healthy settings for young people in Canada

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This report presents findings from the fifth cycle of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study in Canada. We would like to acknowledge the collaborative efforts of the 41 participating research teams from WHO Europe and North America.

The administration of the HBSC survey and the presentation of findings in this report were made possible by funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Division of Childhood and Adolescence. Special appreciation is given to Patricia Walsh, Senior Research Analyst, Strategic Policy and Research Section, Division of Childhood and Adolescence; Eric Arnold, Policy and Research Analyst, Strategic Policy and Research, Division of Childhood and Adolescence; and Amina Hussein, Strategic Policy and Research, Division of Childhood and Adolescence, for providing invaluable input throughout the planning of the study and the writing of the report.

The researchers who authored the different topic chapters of the report include the following specialists:

William Boyce, Principal Investigator of the Canadian HBSC study, Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen’s University
Wendy Craig, Psychology, Queen’s University
Frank Elgar, Psychology, Carleton University
John Freeman, Education, Queen’s University
Ian Janssen, Kinesiology and Health Studies, and Community Health and Epidemiology, Queen’s University
Matthew King, Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen’s University Don Klinger, Education, Queen’s University
Heather McCuaig Edge, Psychology, Queen’s University
Steven McLagan, Education, Queen’s University
William Pickett, Community Health and Epidemiology, Queen’s University
Hana Saab, Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen’s University.

The Social Program Evaluation Group at Queen’s University was responsible for collecting and analyzing the data, under the supervision and organization of Matthew King. Jeffrey Hamacher, Diane Davies, and Beverley Coles were responsible for contacting participating schools and jurisdictions and coordinating the administration of the survey. Arthur Everett led the team, made up of Laura Seliskie, Sudha Raman, and Courtney Jolliffe, that carried out in-school survey administration. Jolene Wintermute was responsible for the organization of data entry, which was performed by an enthusiastic group of staff and students: Zhaoping Rao, Crystal Ka Leng Hoi, Joan Sutherland, Sara Darvish, Ishtiaque Ahmed Latif, Peng Zhang, Jun Qian, and Joyce Li.

Diane Yocum provided endless patience preparing and editing figures and text of the chapters.

Jennifer Roche was responsible for substantive and copy editing, some writing and rewriting, and coordination of design, translation, and printing. Marie Tappin designed and laid out the report, and assisted the editorial team with picture research. Delta Printing was responsible for the production of the report.

Monique Paradis, Jean-Pierre Doyon, and Denis Hébert were responsible for translating the English version of the report into French.

Last, but not least, we wish to thank all the students who were willing to share their experiences and views with us, as well as the school principals, teachers, school jurisdictions, and parents for making this survey happen.

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