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At the September 2004 First Ministers Meeting, Canada's First Ministers committed to the development of "goals and targets for improving the health status of Canadians through a collaborative process". In October 2005, Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers of Health agreed on a set of goals for improving the health of Canadians. This became known as the Health Goals for Canada.

The Health Goals for Canada provide a tool to guide further action on the determinants of health and help to strengthen the management of horizontal issues. The Goals are divided into four areas: basic needs in the social and physical environment; belonging and engaging; healthy living; and, a system for health.

Led by the Public Health Agency of Canada the Goals were developed through a broad consultation and validation process involving provinces, territories, public health experts, stakeholders, and citizens to share their knowledge and vision for a healthy Canada.  Over 300 stakeholders and experts participated in 12 P/T roundtables, five thematic events, five regional deliberative dialogues and consultations with parliamentarians.  Beyond that, almost 400 individuals, groups, and organizations provided input via an e-survey or by holding their own consultations.  This consultation process culminated in the drafting of goal statements, which were validated with government and non-government partners, public health experts, and stakeholders.

This website contains the Health Goals and archival information about the consultations.

Health Goals for Canada

