Public Health Agency of Canada
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Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses

Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses

Program Areas

Integrated Enteric Pathogen Surveillance
To enhance the confidence in decisions made by policy makers, regulators, public health departments, industry and the scientific community relative to the health risks associated with zoonotic microorganisms, we will gather appropriate surveillance data and provide relevant information on human enteric pathogens from non-human sources, for integration and analysis with human enteric disease data. Projects

Population and Environmental Determinants
To provide policy makers, regulators, public health departments and the scientific community with research into the population level and agro-ecological determinants influencing the emergence, maintenance and transmission of zoonotic pathogens in order to enhance confidence in decision making on the health risks associated with zoonotic microorganisms. Projects

Microbial and Host Determinants
To provide public health policy makers and the scientific community with new information on how pathogens emerge and persist in animals and the environment and cause disease in humans, in order to enhance confidence in decision making on the health risks associated with zoonotic microorganisms. Projects

Antimicrobial Resistance in Agri-Food and Aquaculture and the Impact on Human Health
To provide policy makers and other governmental and non-governmental stakeholders with scientific information and advice to reduce or eliminate the impact on human health from antimicrobial resistant microorganisms resulting from the use of antimicrobials in agri-food and aquaculture. Projects

Health Risk Modelling
For the benefit of policy makers, the food industry and peer scientists, in order to facilitate decision making on research needs and interventions that have the most impact on reducing foodborne disease, we will develop models, modelling tools and interpretation that improve understanding of the human/animal/microbe interface. Projects

Policy Advice and Policy Effectiveness in Decreasing the Risk of Zoonotic Enteric Infections
To provide policy makers, regulators and the scientific community with research on the impact of policy and other inventions on public health and health care and to provide the best scientific evidence as input to the policy and development process to ensure that the most effective interventions are implemented for the control of foodborne zoonoses and enteric disease. Projects

Pre- and Peri-Harvest Intervention Strategies
Decrease risks of enteric disease in Canadians through the control of sources of infectious agents in animal reservoirs. Projects