Public Health Agency of Canada
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Public Health Law Improvement Network

All levels of government in Canada (including Aboriginal governments) consider legislative initiatives to be a key part of their strategies to protect public health, to promote health and to prevent disease and injuries.

However, Canada's federal system is such that several levels of government are responsible for setting laws and regulations in areas related to public health. This poses many challenges to those who try to develop effective legislative strategies in this field.

Meeting these challenges and achieving the desired public health outcomes in a cost-effective and efficient manner increasingly requires that all levels of governments improve their abilities to share information, expertise and resources with one another and better coordinate their activities.

To help address these issues, the Public Health Law Improvement Network shares information and assists with analysis in public health law. It assists in organizing activities such as teleconferences, face-to-face meetings, specialized workshops and discussion forums, and the dissemination of information pertaining to public health law.

Purposes of the Network

To provide a forum where individuals with an interest in public health law can discuss legislative issues, with a view to developing sound strategic advice and, as appropriate, coordinated approaches that cross jurisdictional boundaries.

Among its activities, the Network may assist in:

  • Responding to information requests for advice on public health law issues and concerns from the Public Health Network Council and expert groups, and reviewing Public Health Network reports for their legislative implications;
  • Providing advice to the Public Health Network Council and expert groups on emerging issues in public health law that are of mutual interest (e.g. information sharing and privacy, disease prevention and control);
  • Examining and analysing developments in public health law; and
  • Providing recommendations in the areas of long-term planning, forecasting, education, training, communications and research.

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