Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

List of Figures and Tables

Chapter 1 — Introduction

Table 1-1 Number of Canadians affected by respiratory diseases

Table 1-2 Economic burden of respiratory disease in Canada, 2000 (in million $)

Figure 1-1 Proportion of all hospitalizations due to specific health problems among men, Canada, 2004/05.

Figure 1-2 Proportion of all hospitalizations due to specific health problems among women, Canada, 2004/05.

Figure 1-3 Proportion of all hospitalizations due to select respiratory diseases (listed among first five diagnoses),
children aged 0 to 14 years by age group, Canada, 2004/05.

Figure 1-4 Proportion of all hospitalizations due to select respiratory diseases (listed among first five diagnoses),
adults aged 15 to 44 years by age group, Canada, 2004/05.

Figure 1-5 Proportion of all hospitalizations due to select respiratory diseases (listed among first five diagnoses),
adults aged 45+ years, by age group, Canada, 2004/05.

Figure 1-6 Proportion of all deaths due to specific health problems among men, Canada, 2004.

Figure 1-7 Proportion of all deaths due to specific health problems among women, Canada, 2004.

Figure 1-8 Proportion of all deaths due to select respiratory diseases, adults aged 45+ years, by age group, Canada, 2004.

Figure 1-9 Direct health care costs of disease by diagnostic category, Canada, 2000.

Figure 1-10 Indirect health care costs of disease by diagnostic category, Canada, 2000.

Figure 1-11 Total health care costs of disease by diagnostic category, Canada, 2000.

Chapter 2 — Tobacco Use

Figure 2-1 Long term trends in the prevalence of current smokers, 15+ years, 1985-2006, Canada

Figure 2-2 Trend in the prevalence of daily smokers, 15+ years, Canada, 1985-2006.

Figure 2-3 Average number of cigarettes smoked per day, daily smokers, 15+ years, Canada 1985 - 2006

Figure 2-4 Trends in the prevalence of daily smokers, youth 15-19 years, Canada, 1985-2006.

Figure 2-5 Prevalence of daily smoking among youth and young adults by sex and age group, 15-24 years, Canada, 2006.

Figure 2-6 Proportion of adults aged 15+ years who reported workplace smoking restrictions by sex, Canada, 2006.

Figure 2-7 Smoking during their most recent pregnancy by education level, 20-44 years, Canada, 2006.

Figure 2-8 Proportion of children in grade 5 to 9 who ever tried smoking a cigarette, Canada, 1994, 2002 & 2004-05.

Chapter 3 — Air Quality

Figure 3-1 Health effects of air pollution

Figure 3-2 Concentration of gaseous ambient air pollutants in Canada, 1984-2002.

Figure 3-3 Concentrations of average ambient ground-level O3 across large urban, small urban and non-urban
stations in Canada, 1991-2005, and average PM2.5 across urban Canadian sites, 1984-2002.

Chapter 4 — Occupational Respiratory Disease

Figure 4-1 Pneumoconioses hospitalization rates (per 100,000), Canada, 1987-2004 (age standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 4-2 Pneumoconioses mortality rates (per 100,000), Canada, 1987-2004
(age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 4-3 Pneumoconioses and hypersensitivity pneumonitis hospitalization rates
(per 100,000), Canada, 1987-2004, aged 35+ years, (age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population)

Figure 4-4 Ontario Mesothelioma Incidence Rates, 3 year moving average, by Sex, 1980-2004

Figure 4-5 Occupational respiratory disease hospitalization rates (per 100,000), Canada, 1979-2004 (age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 4-6 Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Occupational Asthma and Aggravation of Asthma Claims,
Accident Data, 1993 to 2003

Chapter 5 — Asthma

Table 5-1 Prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma (ever) among children aged 4-11 years, Canada, 2000.

Table 5-2 Prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma, men and women aged 12+ years, Canada, 2005.

Figure 5-1 Prevalence of physician diagnosed asthma (ever), children age 4-11 years, Canada, 1994/95 to 2003.

Figure 5-2 Prevalence of physician diagnosed asthma (ever), children aged 4-11 years, by age group, Canada,
1994/95 to 2003.

Figure 5-3 Prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma by recent symptom or medication use, men and women aged 12+ years, Canada, 1994 - 2005.

Figure 5-4 Prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma by recent symptom or medication use, women aged 12+ years by age group, Canada, 1994 - 2005.

Figure 5-5 Prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma by recent symptom or medication use, men aged 12+ years by age group, Canada, 1994 – 2005.

Figure 5-6 Asthma hospitalization rates (per 100,000) children and young adults aged 0 to 24 years by age group and sex,
Canada, 1987/88-2004/05 (age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 5-7 Asthma hospitalization rates (per 100,000), adults aged 25+ years, by age group and sex, Canada,
1987/88-2004/05 (age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 5-8 Asthma hospitalization rates (per 100,000) by age group and sex, Canada, 2004/05.

Figure 5-9 ER presentations for asthma and respiratory tract infections by week in Ontario
from April 2001 to March 2005, ages 5 to 49

Figure 5-10 Asthma deaths by age group and sex, Canada, 2000-2004.

Figure 5-11 Asthma mortality rates (per 100,000), children and young adults aged 0 to 24 years, Canada, 1987-2004
(age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 5-12 Asthma mortality rates (per 100,000), adults aged 25+ years by age group and sex, Canada, 1987-2004
(age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Chapter 6 — COPD

Table 6-1 Prevalence of physician-diagnosed COPD, adults aged 35+ years, by sex, Canada, 2005.

Table 6-2 Proportion of adults 35 years of age and over with COPD, by sex and smoking status, Canada, 2005.

Figure 6-1 Prevalence of physician-diagnosed COPD, women aged 35+ years, by age group, Canada, 2000/01, 2002, 2003 and 2005.

Figure 6-2 Prevalence of physician-diagnosed COPD, men aged 35+ years, by age group, Canada, 2000/01, 2002,
2003 and 2005.

Figure 6-3 COPD hospitalization rates (per 100,000 population), adults aged 55+ years, by age group and sex,
Canada, 2003/04.

Figure 6-4 COPD hospitalization rates (per 100,000), men aged 55+ years, by age group, Canada, 1989/90-2004/05.

Figure 6-5 COPD hospitalization rates (per 100,000), women aged 55+ years, by age group, Canada, 1989/90-2004/05.

Figure 6-6 Actual and projected COPD hospitalizations by sex Canada, 1979-2010

Figure 6-7 COPD hospitalized visits and patients (per 100,000), adults aged 55+ years, Canada, 1994/95 to 2004/05
(age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 6-8 ER presentations for COPD and respiratory tract infections by week in Ontario from April 2001 to
March 2005 in adults over 50 years of age

Figure 6-9 COPD mortality rates (per 100,000) by age group and sex, Canada, 2004.

Figure 6-10 COPD mortality rates (per 100,000), women by age group, Canada, 1989-2004 (age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 6-11 COPD mortality rates (per 100,000), men by age group, Canada, 1989-2004 (age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 6-12 Actual and projected number of deaths for COPD by Sex, Canada, 1950-2010

Chapter 7 — Lung Cancer

Figure 7-1 Number of individuals with newly diagnosed lung cancer, by age group and sex, Canada, 2007.

Figure 7-2 Lung cancer incidence rates (per 100,000), by sex, Canada, 1987-2007 (2004+ projected)
(age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 7-3 Lung cancer hospitalization rates (per 100,000), adults aged 35+, by age group and sex, Canada, 2004/05.

Figure 7-4 Lung cancer hospitalization rates (per 100,000), adults aged 45+ years, by age group and sex, Canada,
1987/88-2004/05 (age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 7-5 Lung cancer mortality rate (per 100,000), adults aged 35+, by age group and sex, Canada, 2004.

Figure 7-6 Lung cancer mortality rate (per 100,000), adults aged 45+ years, by age group and sex, Canada,
1987-2004 (age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Chapter 8 — Cystic Fibrosis

Figure 8-1 Number of individuals with cystic fibrosis by age and sex, Canada, 2002.

Figure 8-2 Number of individuals with cystic fibrosis by age, Canada, 1988-2002.

Figure 8-3 Cystic fibrosis hospitalizations by age group and sex, Canada, 2004/05.

Figure 8-4 Cystic fibrosis hospitalization rates (per 100,000), children and adults aged 0-44 years, by age group, Canada, 1987/88-2004/05 (age-standardized to 1991 Canadian population).

Figure 8-5 Proportion of deaths caused by cystic fibrosis according to age group, Canada, 1995-2004.

Chapter 9 — Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Figure 9-1 Rates of preterm birth (percent of live births), Canada, 2000-04.

Figure 9-2 Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) hospitalization rate (per 100,000), newborns by sex, Canada, 1994/95-2004/05.

Figure 9-3 Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) mortality rates (per 100,000) for infants to age 12 months, Canada, 1987-2004.

Chapter 11 — Tuberculosis

Figure 11-1 Number of cases and incidence rate (per 100,000) of reported new active and relapsed tuberculosis cases,
Canada, 1995-2005

Figure 11-2 Number of cases and incidence rate (per 100,000) of reported new active and relapsed tuberculosis cases by
age group, Canada, 2005

Figure 11-3 Proportion of reported new active and relapsed tuberculosis cases by birthplace, Canada, 2005

Figure 11-4 Overall pattern of reported TB drug resistance in Canada, 2005

Chapter 12 — Lung Transplantation

Figure 12-1 Patients waiting for lung transplants at year end, Canada 1995 to 2006.

Figure 12-2 Survival following lung transplantation by primary diagnosis, first graft, deceased donor lungs, Canada,
1995 to 1999.

Table 12-1 Lung transplants by transplant type, Canada, 1995 to 2006 (number)

Table 12-2 Distribution of primary diagnoses for all lung transplant recipients, first grafts, Canada, 1995 to 2004