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Diabetes Policy Review - Report of the Expert Panel

End Notes

  1. Leitch, K. Kellie (2007), Reaching for the Top: A Report by the Advisory on Healthy Children & Youth, prepared for the Minister of Health, pp.14. Original reference: The Association of Canadian Academic Healthcare Organizations, "Presentation to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance", October 6, 2005.
  2. The Diabetes Council of Canada was made up of the National Aboriginal Diabetes Association, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the Canadian Diabetes Association, Diabète Québec, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the CNIB, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, the Kidney Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Pharmacists Association, Canada's Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies and Health Canada.
  3. World Health Organization (September 2006), Diabetes Fact Sheet, New Window (5/26/2008)
  4. World Health Organization (September 2006), Diabetes Fact Sheet, New Window (5/26/2008)
  5. International Diabetes Federation, "Diabetes Atlas", Website. New Window (28/05/2008).
  6. International Diabetes Federation, "Diabetes Atlas", Website. New Window (28/05/2008).
  7. World Health Organization (September 2006), Diabetes Fact Sheet, New Window (5/26/2008)
  8. World Health Organization (September 2006), Diabetes Fact Sheet, New Window (5/26/2008)
  9. Robinson, C., Y. Shi, M. Desmeules and H. Morrison (2008), "The Burden of Diabetes in Canada", a poster prepared for the Public Health Agency of Canada's Science Forum, March 17-18, 2008.
  10. Robinson, C., Y. Shi, M. Desmeules and H. Morrison (2008), "The Burden of Diabetes in Canada", a poster prepared for the Public Health Agency of Canada's Science Forum, March 17-18, 2008.
  11. International Diabetes Federation, "Diabetes Atlas", Website. New Window (28/05/2008).
  12. Robinson, C., Y. Shi, M. Desmeules and H. Morrison (2008), "The Burden of Diabetes in Canada", a poster prepared for the Public Health Agency of Canada's Science Forum, March 17-18, 2008.
  13. International Diabetes Federation, "Diabetes Atlas", Website. New Window (28/05/2008).
  14. Wild, S. et al. (May 2004) also project that the number of people with diabetes worldwide will increase to 366 million in 2030: Wild, S., G. Roglic, A. Green, R. Sicree and H. King (May 2004), "Global Prevalence of Diabetes: Estimates for the Year 2000 and Projections for 2030", Diabetes Care, volume 27, number 5, May 2004.
  15. World Health Organization (September 2006), Diabetes Fact Sheet. The estimates by the International Diabetes Federation are higher; the Federation estimates that diabetes accounts for 3.8 million deaths per year: International Diabetes Federation (December 2006), "Diabetes Epidemic out of Control", press release, New Window
  16. International Diabetes Federation (December 2006), "Diabetes Epidemic out of Control", press release, New Window
  17. International Diabetes Federation (December 2006), "Diabetes Epidemic out of Control", press release, New Window
  18. International Diabetes Federation (December 2006), "Diabetes Epidemic out of Control", press release, New Window
  19. Public Health Agency of Canada (2008), Diabetes in Canada: Highlights from the National Diabetes Surveillance System 2004-2005, pp.5-6.
  20. Health Council of Canada (March 2007), Why Health Care Renewal Matters: Lessons from Diabetes, pp.23.
  21. Ohinmaa, A., P. Jacobs, S. Simpson, J. A. Johnson (2004), "The Projection of Prevalence and Cost of Diabetes in Canada: 2000 to 2016", Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 2004; 28 (2), pp.1-8.
  22. Leiter, LA, A. Barr, A. Belanger et al (2001), "Diabetes Screening in Canada (DIASCAN) Study: Prevalence of Undiagnosed Diabetes and Glucose Intolerance in Family Physician Offices", Diabetes Care, volume 24, number 6, June 2001: 164(1).
  23. Kue Young, T., C.A. Mustard (2001), "Undiagnosed Diabetes: Does It Matter?", CMAJ 2001: 164(1):24-8.
  24. Assembly of First Nations (March 2007), First Nations Regional Longitudinal Health Survey (RHS) 2002/03: Results for Adults, Youth and Children Living in First Nations Communities, revised second edition, Chapter 5.
  25. Statistics Canada (2003), Aboriginal People's Survey 2001 - Initial Findings: Well-being of the Non-reserve Aboriginal Population, pp.14.
  26. Deciles are ten categories including approximately the same percentage of residents for each province, based on the adjusted ration of their total household income to the low income cut-off corresponding to their household and community size. This derived variable provides, for each respondent, a relative measure of their household income to the household incomes of all other respondents: Statistics Canada (2005), Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Cycle 3.1: Derived Variable (DV) Specifications, pp.187.
  27. Chronic Disease Surveillance Division, the Public Health Agency of Canada, using data from the Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 3.1 by Statistics Canada.
  28. Robinson, C., Y. Shi, M. Desmeules and H. Morrison (2008), "The Burden of Diabetes in Canada", a poster prepared for the Public Health Agency of Canada's Science Forum, March 17-18, 2008.
  29. Robinson, C., Y. Shi, M. Desmeules and H. Morrison (2008), "The Burden of Diabetes in Canada", a poster prepared for the Public Health Agency of Canada's Science Forum, March 17-18, 2008.
  30. Public Health Agency of Canada (2008), Diabetes in Canada: Highlights from the National Diabetes Surveillance System 2004-2005, pp.9.
  31. Public Health Agency of Canada (2008), Diabetes in Canada: Highlights from the National Diabetes Surveillance System 2004-2005, pp.9.
  32. Public Health Agency of Canada (2008), Diabetes in Canada: Highlights from the National Diabetes Surveillance System 2004-2005, pp.13.
  33. Canadian Diabetes Association, "The Prevalence and Costs of Diabetes", Website, (02/06/2008).
  34. Public Health Agency of Canada (2008), Diabetes in Canada: Highlights from the National Diabetes Surveillance System 2004-2005, pp.12.
  35. Kraut, A., R. Walld, R. Tate, and C. Mustard (2001), "Impact of Diabetes on Employment and Income in Manitoba, Canada", Diabetes Care, volume 24, number I, January 2001.
  36. Public Health Agency of Canada, Economic Burden of Illness (EBIC) 2000 information, provided to the Expert Panel.
  37. Ohinmaa, A., P. Jacobs, S. Simpson, J. A. Johnson (2004), "The Projection of Prevalence and Cost of Diabetes in Canada: 2000 to 2016", Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 2004; 28 (2), pp.1-8.
  38. American Diabetes Association (2008), "Economic Costs of Diabetes in the U.S. in 2007, Diabetes Care, volume 31, number 3, March 2008.
  39. Chenier, Nancy Miller (revised December 2002), Health Policy in Canada, prepared for Depository Services Program, Government of Canada. New Window
  40. Constitution Act, 1867 (the United Kingdom), 30 & 31 Victoria, c.3 as amended.
  41. Chenier, Nancy Miller (revised December 2002), Health Policy in Canada, prepared for Depository Services Program, Government of Canada. New Window
  42. Health Canada (2005), Canada's Health Care System, pp.6.
  43. A summary of the findings of research and consultation undertaken by the working groups and a strategic framework developed based on them are presented in the Public Health Agency of Canada (2005), Building A National Diabetes Strategy: Volume 1 (Synthesis of Research and Collaboration Consultation - Consultation Findings) and Volume 2 (A Strategic Framework), prepared by P. Stewart and Douglas Consulting in consultation with the Coordinating Committee for the National Diabetes Strategy.
  44. Public Health Agency of Canada, Report on Plans and Priorities 2005-2006, pp.18.
  45. Health Council of Canada (March 2007), Why Health Care Renewal Matters: Lessons from Diabetes, pp.9.
  46. Public Health Agency of Canada (September 2005), Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Program Information, Section 12.1, pp.56.
  47. Finnish Diabetes Association (2003), Programme for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in Finland 2003-2010.
  48. In the United States, diabetes is monitored through the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and the Behavioural Risk Factors Surveillance System. Various aspects of diabetes, such as prevalence, mortality, complications, self-management practices and quality of care, are continuously monitored nationally in the United States.
  49. United Kingdom Department of Health (2003), National Service Framework for Diabetes: Delivery Strategy, pp.4.
  50. Finnish Diabetes Association (2003), Programme for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in Finland 2003-2010, pp.14-16.
  51. (29/05/2008)
  52. A clear agreement should be established with all members of this new entity that they will not use this oversight structure for fundraising purposes.