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Mapping FASD Training Opportunities in Canada: An Environmental Scan

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5 Recommendations For Next Steps

Given the results of this first attempt to map FASD training and the incomplete picture it offers about the nature and extent of events happening across the country, the following recommendations are offered:

  1. Identify a broader and more accurate list of potential survey respondents, using existing information and contacts within the FASD field. Several events have occurred nationally and regionally since the survey was initiated that would help to create the list. Include post-secondary institutions and professional associations.
  2. Redefine the scope of the survey to capture more detailed information about training/events. This would include additional questions identified above.
  3. Consider additional means besides online distribution for survey participation.
  4. Offer incentives for completion to improve response rates.
  5. Include a component for capturing training/events offered in French.
  6. Consider timing of the survey (March break travel period, conferences and meetings as well as year-end for many governmental organizations and agencies)

The current data can be helpful in providing a starting point for a more comprehensive examination of FASD training/events

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