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Mapping FASD Training Opportunities in Canada: An Environmental Scan

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Appendix A - Resources Used to Develop Respondent List

  • FASD Directory of Information and Support Services in Canada (2002)
  • Atlantic Steering Committee on FASD
  • Provincial/Territorial Contacts for FASD
  • Occupational Therapist List
  • Occupational Therapist-Speech Language Pathologist List
  • Canada Northwest FASD Partnership
  • Health Care Provider Organizational Contact List
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Appendix B - Survey Instrument

FASD Training/Event Mapping Survey

Please complete a separate form for each distinct FASD-related education/training event provided by your organization that is:

  1. Intended to impart knowledge and/or skill to persons in or outside the delivering organization, such as orientation sessions, workshops, seminars, and one-time conferences;
  2. At least 1/2 day (3 hours) duration;
  3. That has a professional development or community development aim;
  4. That has/will be delivered at least once during the period April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2005.

Training/Event Provider Information

Name of Organization: ___________________________

Type of Organization

  • Government
  • Non-Governmental Organization
  • Community-based
  • Non-profit
  • For-profit
  • Professional Association
  • Community College
  • University

Location of Organization

  • British Columbia
  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan
  • Manitoba
  • Ontario
  • Quebec
  • Nova Scotia
  • New Brunswick
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Yukon
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut
  • Contact Person: _________________________________

Main sources of funding for FASD training/education:

  • Government
  • Business/Private Sector
  • Registration Revenue

Training/Event Details

Name of Training/Event:_______________________________________________________

Duration of Training/Event

  • 3 hours
  • 3-5 hours
  • 5-7 hours
  • over 7 hours

Number of times offered April 1, 2004-March 31, 2005:

  • Once
  • Twice
  • Three times
  • Four or more times (specify number)__________________

Date of Training/Event: ___________________________ day/month/year

Where was the Training/Event held? (Check all that apply)

  • On-line/distance
  • On-site: (Specify location) ____________________________
  • Other: (Specify) ____________________________________

Language of Training/Event:

  • English
  • French
  • English & French
  • Other (specify) ___________________________

Maximum number of participants:

  • Under 10
  • 11-20
  • 21-50
  • 51-100
  • over 100

How many people actually attended?

  • Under 10
  • 11-20
  • 21-50
  • 51-100
  • over 100

Training/Registration fees:

  • Free
  • under $50
  • $51-$100
  • $101-$200
  • $201-$300
  • $301-$400
  • $401-$500
  • over $500

Level of Training

  • Basic (“FASD 101”)
  • Intermediate (“FASD 201”)
  • Advanced (“FASD 301”)
  • Mixed (e.g. Conference)

Did participants require a background in FASD in order to attend the Training/Event?

  • Yes
  • No

Intended participants: (Check all that apply)

  • Teachers/Educators
  • Mental Health Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Prenatal Support Workers
  • Child Care Workers
  • Social Workers
  • Vocational/Employment Counsellors
  • Infant Development Workers
  • Drug/Alcohol Counsellors
  • Persons Living with FASD
  • Policymakers
  • Police
  • Lawyers
  • Judges
  • Court Workers
  • Corrections Workers
  • Parents of FASD-affected Children
  • General Public
  • Other: ___________________________

FASD Topic Areas: (Check all that apply)

  • Prevention
  • Diagnosis
  • Prenatal
  • Identification of babies/infants
  • Identification of older children
  • Identification of adolescents/adults
  • Early childhood interventions
  • Late childhood interventions
  • Adolescent interventions
  • Adult interventions
  • Parenting
  • Behaviour modification
  • Teaching or educational strategies/approaches
  • Policy
  • Other: ___________________________

Please provide us with a brief description of the training/event agenda: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Additional Information

In your opinion, what FASD training needs are not being addressed in Canada? Please include topic and a description of the groups you believe need to be trained. List all you can think of.

Topic Who Needs to Be Trained?

Is this training/event developed in Canada?

  • Yes
  • No

Is this training/event adapted from training elsewhere?

  • Yes
  • No

If Yes above, from where was it adapted? __________________________

Does the training result in accreditation from an organization or a professional association?
(e.g. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Registered Nurses Association, etc.)

  • No
  • Yes (Specify): ___________________________

Has the training been evaluated?

  • No
  • Yes (Check all that apply):
    • Participant satisfaction
    • Process evaluation
    • Impact evaluation

How do people find out about the training/event? Check all that apply:

  • Flyer
  • Brochure
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Word-of-mouth
  • Mailing lists
  • Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) website
  • Internet/Other website (specify): ___________________________
  • Other: ___________________________
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Appendix C - Cover Letter

The Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) is conducting a national survey on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) training events. The purpose of the survey is to document the nature and extent of FASD training events (of at least three hours' duration) across Canada. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is funding the survey and it will use the information obtained through the survey to inform FASD planning at the national, local and provincial levels.

We are asking for your assistance and participation in the survey so that we can create the most complete picture of brief FASD training in Canada. The survey is available in both official languages and it should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Please also note that one survey should be completed for each training event.

Completed questionnaires will be treated with strict confidence and no agency or persons associated with specific agencies will be identifiable in any reports. The agency code included on all questionnaires will be used only to monitor returns. We are using the FASD Directory as our main source for respondent names and supplementing it with contact names from PHAC.

During the course of the survey you may receive one or more emails or telephone calls to ask for your help in ensuring that the completed survey is returned as soon as possible.

A reply within one week would be greatly appreciated.

Once the data are compiled, CCSA will prepare a report that will be made available upon request to individuals and organizations who completed the survey. As you are probably aware, other projects of a similar nature are underway - most notably the survey of public awareness activities being conducted by Best Start, and the scan of FASD programs in Ontario being undertaken by Elspeth Ross. Together, these initiatives will do much to further the national picture of what's happening in FASD.

A training scan of First Nations on reserve and Inuit communities will also be conducted in the coming months and the data from both surveys will be integrated.

Thank you for your participation. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Paula Stanghetta, Project Manager, at 519-742-1447 or at

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Appendix D - Inventory of Training/Events

  1. Alcohol Related Birth Defects Course
  2. FASD BASICS - FASD Adult Case Management
  3. FASD for Everybody
  4. Effective Strategies for Families
  5. FASD Education
  6. An Overview of FASD
  7. Mentor Pregnant Women with Addictions: The Stop FASD Model
  8. SMART Workshop
  9. Women and Addiction
  10. The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Community Practitioner Certificate Program
  11. A Series of Workshops for Parents Raising Children, Adolescents and Adults with FASD
  12. FASD and Adoption
  13. Educating Students with FASD
  14. Working with Adolescents with FASD
  15. National Crime Prevention Strategy: Community Awareness and Action Workshops
  16. Effective Strategies for Professionals (part of a FASout project)
  17. Kick Off Campaign for Best Start awareness project
  18. Role of the Occuaptional Therapist in the Assessment of FASD
  19. OBD Triage Training specific to obtaining maternal ingestion of alcohol and/or drugs in pregnancy
  20. FASD education
  21. Atlantic FASD Networking Conference
  22. Working for Success with Youth with FASD
  23. FASD Workshop for Teachers
  24. FASD training for Community Service providers
  25. Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  26. Aboriginal FASD Community Training
  27. A Series of Workshops for Professionals Working with Individuals with FASD
  28. Working with Adults with FASD - Building Community Capacity Project
  29. A Parent's Perspective: Living with FASD
  30. Basic FASD information for tutors
  31. FASD 101
  32. Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): Improving Our Work with Pregnant Women at Risk
  33. FASD Inclusion System
  34. Asset Mapping
  35. FAS/E Prevention Using the Medicine Wheel Philosophy
  36. AD 120 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  37. Overview of Prevention and Intervention on FASD
  38. Understanding about Sensory Processing and FASD
  39. Adolescence and FASD: Which is it?
  40. Advocating for a Child with FASD at School (and other systems)
  41. Talking about FASD with your Child
  42. Working with Clients who have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  43. FASD: Beyond Awareness
  44. FASD 101 & Prevention
  45. Promoting Community Health: Okanese First Nation: Pregnant Mothers' Alcohol Use
  46. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Framework for Understanding and Responding
  47. FASD: Wa-pii-moos-toosis Healing Centre
  48. Regional FASD Conference Maritimes
  49. Telehealth FASD Information Series
  50. FASD - The Invisible Disability and/or Areas of Difficulty
  51. Action for Inclusion: FASD Audit - (Part 1)
  52. Action for Inclusion: FASD Audit - (Part 2)
  53. FASD Education for Teachers
  54. Look at Me! Practical Strategies for living and working with individuals with FASD
  55. FASD Workshop
  56. The SMART Guide: Motivational Approaches Within the Stages of Change for Pregnant Women Who Use Alcohol and Other Drugs
  57. Pregnancy and Alcohol Use: Strategies for Support
  58. Harm Reduction: Implications for Work with Women Who Use Substances and their Children
  59. Breaking the Cycle and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  60. Asset Mapping to Build Community Based FASD Prevention, Intervention and Support
  61. The Best Start in Life - What Youth Need to Know about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (Train-the-trainer)
  62. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: An Introduction for Care Providers
  63. Information session to Mental Health Counsellors/Advisory Committee and interested community members
  64. Supporting Change: Preventing and Addressing Alcohol Use in Pregnancy - Train the Trainer workshop
  65. Messaging about Alcohol and Pregnancy
  66. Alcohol and Pregnancy
  67. Interagency Workshop
  68. Parent Days 2005; Health Canada Grant
  69. FASD: Signs, Symptoms and Secondary Characteristics
  70. FASD Saskatchewan Speakers Bureau Networking and Training event
  71. FASD Training
  72. Basic FASD education with an emphasis on strategies for education
  73. FASD: Teacher Stategies - In-Service to Corrections, Early Intervention, Social Workers
  74. Planning for Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  75. Alberta FASD Conference Promising Practices, Promising Futures
  76. FASEout
  77. Building community awareness about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
  78. FASD Diagnostic Training, A Team Approach
  79. Linking Arms FASD Training in Kugluktuk, Nunavut
  80. FASD and Sexuality
  81. Teacher Training
  82. Community Development
  83. Psychological-medical FASD Diagnostic Collaboration: A South Saskatchewan Perspective
  84. FASD Conference
  85. Tried & Tested Strategies for Individuals Living with FASD
  86. Pauktuutit Training
  87. FASD and strategies for working with adults
  88. What Corrections Needs to Know about FASD
  89. Tools for the FASD Professional
  90. Supporting Change: Preventing and Addressing Alcohol Use in Pregnancy - tailored for health care providers in fly-in northern communities
  91. FASD monthly meeting
  92. 1st Annual Regional FASD Conference - Support and Hope for the Community
  93. Northern Visioning Conference FASD
  94. Born Free
  95. FASD Awareness
  96. Violence and Aggression
  97. FASD for Probation Officers
  98. Understanding the Brain Assessment for FASD
  99. The Neurodevelopmental Assessment in the diagnosis of FASD
  100. HRDC Staff Training Basics - Workshops for High Risk Women - Parent Day - Intervening with Pregnant Women - FASD Basics - SIAST - Early Childhood Program - Youth Justice Programs
  101. FASD Multidisciplinary Team Diagnostic Training
  102. Community Preparedness for FASD
  103. Strategies for Working with Those Affected by FASD
  104. FASD Consultation Day
  105. Alberta Children's Services Delegation Training
  106. FAS parent training
  107. ACCESS Workshops
  108. Adolescents and Adults with FASD and the Community Mental Health Service System
  109. Specialized for Individuals Who Support Young Offenders with FASD Part 1: Introduction to FASD Part 2: FASD & the Brain Part 3: Now you know, what do you do?
  110. P.R.I.D.E. Module #10 Understanding the Effects of Chemical Dependency on Children and Families
  111. FASD Diagnostic Team Training
  112. FASD Diagnosis and Assessment: Training for Community Based Diagnostic Teams
  113. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Other Alcohol Related Birth Defects
  114. FASD Youth Mentorship Training
  115. PLEA/Asante Youth Justice FASD Pilot Project - PARCA Conference
  116. FASD Interactive Poster Presentation
  117. FASD Family Camps
  118. FAS Workshop - 2 day training 2001 - FASD Community Presentations (2005) - 1hour x 10 presentations at family centres, Lions Club, Medical Society and high school
  119. Diane Malbin Training Shifting How We Intervene Differently with Individuals Affected with FASD
  120. FASD for Educators

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