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Charting the Future Direction of National Microbiological Reference Services in Canada

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Services and Research

A vision for national services and research defined...

Discussion around services and research pervaded the forum. In fact, decisions around structure, linkages, governance, leadership, funding, and quality assurance were made, in large part, to enable or support the services and research undertaken by Canada's public health microbiology network.

It is also the area that realized the greatest degree of convergence in the outcomes of the workgroups.

Most participants envision a nationally cooperative and coordinated public health system or network, with greater synergy of services between the different bodies within the system. An ideal system would be outcome driven, delivering services that are timely and responsive to the needs of the customer/consumer, thereby returning high value for the public investment. This value would be measurable, and could be objectively evaluated against pre-established deliverables such as evidence of impact on population and individual health.

In an ideal system, decisions on research activities would receive broader-based input, to ensure the research is targeted and clinically relevant. Both industry and investigators would initiate specific research programs and activities, in concert with the strategic goals of the Canadian public health system.

Participants called for:

1. Microbiology and epidemiology services link. A greater synergy between microbiology and epidemiology services must be encouraged and developed.

Quick Hit 2. Inventory of services. An inventory of current services should be taken and a directory published, with annual updates. This inventory could serve to identify gaps and overlap in services, and enable better communication between and within key players.

3. Objective evaluation. Reference laboratories should be able to prove evidence-based value of their services. Objective evaluation criteria should be established for this purpose.

4. Data collection service. A data collection service/process should be established to underpin and support strategic planning and goal setting.

5. Program/service needs-analysis. New services and/or reference laboratories should be subjected to a needs analysis and outcome impact analysis prior to implementation.

Quick Hit 6. Inventory of epidemiological/biostatistic resources. An inventory of the epidemiology and biostatistic resources available to national reference services should be taken and a directory published, with annual updates.

7. Annual evaluation. The reference services system could implement "annual report cards."

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