Full Council Meeting
May 4-6, 2002
Delta Edmonton Centre, Edmonton Alberta
Community Caucus: |
Ken Clement |
First Nations Caucus: |
Garry Carbonnell |
Métis Caucus: |
Sheila Genaille |
Inuit Caucus: |
Sara Anala |
Health Canada: |
Grafton Spooner |
Secretariat: |
Brock Worobel |
Regrets: |
David Lee |
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.
Chair: Sheila Genaille, Métis Caucus Chair
Sheila Genaille opened the meeting with a prayer.
The Chairs introduced the members of their caucuses
Renée Masching, First Nations Caucus Chair, reported on the work accomplished by the Co-Chairs since NACHA's last meeting. Among the work achieved, the Co-Chairs reviewed the work completed by Darren Greer, drafted a work plan and NACHA's press release; finalized several policies, and planned for NACHA's subcommittees. The Co-Chairs clarified that all work undertaken by them needs final approval by NACHA. As outlined in the Co-Chairs' Terms of Reference, the mandate of the Co-Chairs' Committee is to implement and develop the activities approved by NACHA. Draft products/documents will be submitted to the Council for discussion and approval.
Grafton Spooner provided a brief description of the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS' (CSHA) Resource Allocation Process. As committed to Treasury Board, Health Canada is requested to review the allocation of resources under the ten directions of the CSHA. The process entails reviewing the current allocation and identifying opportunities to re-allocate resources among the ten directions. The Ministerial Council on HIV/AIDS plays a key role in the evaluation of the strategy; therefore, it will be involved in the Resource Allocation Process. Marsha Hay-Snyder will provide additional information, on this process in the afternoon..
Todd Armstrong informed that NACHA will continually be asked to play a role in calls for membership. The process to designate people to working groups should consider the following questions:
The meeting was adjourned for the day at 4:30pm.
Community Caucus: |
Ken Clement |
First Nations Caucus: |
Garry Carbonnell |
Métis Caucus: |
Sheila Genaille |
Inuit Caucus: |
Sara Anala |
Health Canada: |
Grafton Spooner |
Secretariat: |
Brock Worobel |
Regrets: |
David Lee |
Meeting Called to Order at 9:10 am.
Chair: Renée Masching, First Nations Caucus Co-Chair
Renée Masching reported on the Métis Caucus dinner, the night before, and announced that Sheila Genaille was nominated as the Chair of the Métis Caucus. The alternate is Duane Morisseau. She also announced that the First Nations Caucus also nominated David Lee as the alternate co-chair.
Members expressed concerns with the documents presented and indicated that further revisions would be needed. With respect to the Code of Conduct, members indicated that it was redundant. Members requested clarification on the role and responsibilities of the Secretariat and requested a term of reference.
Actions: Secretariat will present draft Terms of Reference that would include Organizational Charts, to the Co-Chairs at their next meeting.
Secretariat will change the revise the code of conduct to change the work "Council" to NACHA.
Members stated that this statement was not needed if a stronger statement regarding APHAs is incorporated in NACHA's Terms of Reference
Actions: Secretariat will seek clarification from APHA council members on the process to revise the Terms of Reference to include a stronger statement on APHAs.
Co-Chairs will present the revised Terms of Reference for discussion and approval at the next meeting of NACHA.
The Council revised draft terms of reference guidelines which were developed to guide the development of and ensure consistency among the Sub-Committees' Terms of Reference. Although it was felt that editing would be required, the Council agreed with the responsibilities outlined in the guidelines.
The Council reviewed a draft grievance policy. Although the Council agreed with the general spirit and notion of the policy, it requested that it be revised to a conflict resolution policy.
Action: Co-Chairs will revise the conflict resolution policy and submit a revised draft for discussion and approval at the next meeting of NACHA.
Todd Armstrong reported on the issue of use of the Inuktitut language in NACHA documents. Due to the isolation of the north, the scarcity of resources and lack of knowledge of one of the official languages, NACHA voted and passed the proposal that selected and important documents should be translated into the Inuk language and that all costs incurred from translation would be covered by NACHA's operating budget.
It was also suggested that the documents like NACHA's Terms of Reference be translated into the official language of the Métis: Michif, however upon further discussion it was decided against this.
Action: Secretariat will coordinate the translation of the material into Inuktitut language.
CSHA Direction Setting
Art Zoccole presented Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS (CSHA) Direction Setting Process lead by Health Canada. The first CSHA Direction Setting was held in 2000 and resulted in the identification of ten directions. Direction #2 - Building Unique Approaches to Aboriginal Peoples within the CSHA - is most important to Aboriginal peoples. The Follow-up to the Direction Setting Meeting was held on April 13-16, 2002 in Montreal. During this national meeting, participants defined actions to implement the ten directions. Three main areas of activity under Direction #2 are:
Bureau of Epidemiology and Surveillance
In 1996, an Aboriginal Working Group was created to provide advice to the Bureau of Epidemiology and Surveillance, Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control (CIDPC) at Health Canada. Renée Masching informed that the Bureau would like to re-enact this Working Group as a sub-committee of NACHA. Four seats would be filled by NACHA members and two other by ex-officio members. These ex-officio members would aid in the development and transition of new members to the sub-committee. The Bureau proposed to hold the first meeting of the Sub-Committee in June 2002.
Community-Based Research (CBR )
Marsha Hay-Snyder, HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division, Health Canada, reviewed the list of research projects that have been funded under the Aboriginal Research Program of the CSHA. Marsha Hay-Snyder will provide NACHA with a budget that outlines quarterly and/or annual allocations, which will be very helpful when planning for April 2003 and for reviewing current/past allocations under the Aboriginal stream.
The need for scholarships for Aboriginal peoples in Canada was raised and discussed. Steps must be taken to ensure that Aboriginal peoples receive the scholarships. Reassurance from Health Canada was sought on the issue of sustainability of funding for the Aboriginal Research Program when the CBR is relocated. The CBR Task Group will be reviewing this issue and providing recommendation to Health Canada.
CSHA Resource Allocation
Marsha Hay-Snyder, HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division, Health Canada, informed council members that the CSHA Resource Allocation Task Force will hold its first teleconference on June 1st, 2002. Marsha provided a deadline of March 31, 2002.
Ministerial Council
Art Zoccole informed NACHA members that the Ministerial Council on HIV/AIDS provides advice to the Federal Minister of Health. Members are appointed yearly by the Minister. This Council has several working groups, including the Special Working Group on Aboriginal Issues (SWGAI). SWGAI will be meeting via conference call on May 8, 2002 to discuss linkages options with NACHA . The Métis Caucus stressed the importance of ensuring that SWGAI's represent all Aboriginal peoples including Métis people.
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN)
Art Zoccole reported that the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN) is a coalition of Aboriginal organizations that deal specifically with Aboriginal HIV/AIDS issues. There are a number of steering committees that work with all the organizations that fund CAAN. There are also a number of events that are ongoing: a news letter will be coming out in May and the AGM will be held October 16-19 in Montreal.
Information on the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Renée Masching handed out membership forms for the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. The Networks's AGM will be held in September 2002 in Montreal. The next meeting of NACHA will be held immediately after this AGM.
Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE)
Todd Armstrong informed NACHA members that the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange develops and releases treatment information across the country. CATIE has invited an NACHA representative to sit on their Board of Directors. This position is a two-year term.
Over the lunch period, Caucuses met and decided on representatives for the NACHA Working Groups.
The First Nations Caucus identified questions/issues to consider when a Council member considers his/her participation in a Working Groups. They are: criteria, call for applicants, experience in the field/related issues, availability for meetings, ability to travel, access to communication tools (fax, email, phones), accountability.
NACHA members identified that the Working Groups reporting process and accountability mechanisms will need to be further developed in order to ensure the effectiveness of the Working Groups and NACHA. Albert McLeod made the suggestion that a process be struck to draft these materials. Albert McLeod, Denise Lambert, and Ken Clement volunteered to do this.
It was suggested that instead of using the word subcommittee that they be referred to as Working Groups.
Working Groups Memberships are as follows:
CATIE: Quinn Wade (alternate: Alana Dawn Phillips)
Ministerial Council on HIV/AIDS: Todd Armstrong, Duane Morrisseau, Denise Lambert (alternate: LaVerne Monette), David Lee.
Epidemiology and Surveillance: Pitsuila Kilabuk, Renée Masching, Alana Dawn-Phillips (alternate: Denise Lambert and LaVerne Monette), Fran Hyndman.
F/P/T AIDS: Art Zoccole, Roberta Wraith, Anne Half, Roger Mannilaq.
CSC Action Committee: Sarah Anala, LaVerne Monette (alternate: Denise Lambert), Sheila Genaille.
CBR: Fran Hyndman, Robbie Watt, Ken Clement (alternate: Denise Lambert). 3 additional members should be selected by NACHA to assist members of this Working Group.
Resource Allocation: Todd Armstrong, Doris Ronnenberg, Art Zoccole (alternate: LaVerne Monette), Albert McLeod.
Results of a secret ballot determined Doris Ronnenberg to lead for this Working Group.
The First Nations Caucus did not name representatives to the following Working Groups: CBR and CSC.
The Métis Caucus selected Rose Bortelon from Nanaimo British Columbia as a replacement for Duane Shuttleworth for the next Council meeting in Montreal.
The next meeting of the National Aboriginal Council on HIV/AIDS will be held on September 16-18, 2002 in Montreal, Quebec.
The meeting was adjourned for the day at 3:30 p.m.
Community Caucus: |
Ken Clement |
First Nations Caucus: |
Garry Carbonnell |
Métis Caucus: |
Sheila Genaille |
Inuit Caucus: |
Sara Anala |
Health Canada: |
Grafton Spooner |
Secretariat: |
Brock Worobel |
Regrets: |
David Lee |
Epidemiology and Surveillance Committee
Action: Letter to go from the Co-Chairs to Arlo and Fred about their appointment for a transition term. This arrangement will be reviewed at the next two meetings.
Terms of Reference
NACHA Booklet
Communications Committee
Process for NACHA Meetings (reference in Co-Chair minutes)
Action: Secretariat to draft a letter of invitation to the Minister of Health, to be reviewed by Co-Chairs.
Action: Co-Chairs to write a letter to the Minister of Health regarding PCAP delay in releasing contribution agreements.
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