F/P/T AIDS Committee Guidelines
Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education
The Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education provides direction to assist local, regional and national groups as well as organizations and government bodies concerned with education and community health to further develop and improve sexual health education policies and programs that address the diverse needs of Canadians.
Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections
The Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections provides evidence-based recommendations for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of STIs in Canada.
Other guidelines
The CMA Infobase is the Canadian access to evidence based Clinical Practice Guidelines including patient guides and physician summaries.
- Testing for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in pregnancy
, Nov 2001, (Reviewed: Feb 2006), Canadian Pediatric Society 
- HIV transmission : guidelines for assessing risk
, 2005, Canadian AIDS Society 
- Canadian contraception consensus
(Part3), Apr 2004, Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada 
- Liposomal anthracyclines in the management of patients with HIV-positive Kaposi's sarcoma
, 30 Sept 2002, (Reviewed : June 2004), Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guidelines Initiative 
- Canadian consensus guidelines for the management of pregnant HIV-positive women and their offspring
, 24 June 2003, Canadian HIV Trials Network 
- Recommendations for the screening and prevention of tuberculosis in patients with HIV and the screening for HIV in tuberculosis patients and their contacts
, 15 Dec 2002, (Reviewed : 14 Oct 2003), Health Canada 
- Guidelines and statements : statement 1580. Communicable diseases (bloodborne) in physicians (including hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV))
, Oct 2002, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba 
- Infection control guidelines : Prevention and control occupational infections in health care - Section B, Part II. Grouped diseases / infections: Bloodborne pathogens (Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HCV), or Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV))
, Mar 2002, Health Canada 
- Management guidelines for the HCV/HIV co-infected adult : recommendations of a multidisciplinary expert panel
, Mar/Apr 2001, Health Canada 
Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange
Nursing Practice - Clinical Practice Guidelines: 
The Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nurses in Primary Care
consist of 15 sections. Each includes an assessment (history and physical examination) of the body system, along with clinical practice guidelines on common disease entities and emergency situations.