Population-Specific HIV/AIDS Status Report: People from Countries where HIV is Endemic - Black people of African and Caribbean descent living in Canada
Figure 2: Distribution of the Black population by provinces/territories and national proportional
distribution, 2001
Figure 3: Annual number of immigrants to Canada from Caribbean Countries, 1950-2001
Figure 4: Annual number of immigrants to Canada from sub-Saharan Africa, 1950-2001
Figure 5: Proportion of immigrant population by period of arrival and region of origin, Canada 2001
Figure 6: Regions of birth for Black immigrant populations, Canada 2001
Figure 7: Hierarchy of Risk
Figure 8: Estimated number of prevalent HIV cases in Canada by exposure category, 2005
Figure 9: Number of positive HIV test reports attributed to the HIV-endemic exposure subcategory
and proportion of all HIV-positive test reports by year, 1998-2006
Figure 10: Number of reported AIDS cases attributed to the HIV-endemic exposure subcategory
and proportion of all AIDS cases by year, 1998-2004
Figure 11: Number of reported AIDS cases by province/territory and national proportional
distribution of total AIDS cases for the HIV-endemic exposure subcategory, cumulative
to December 31, 2006
Figure 12: Number and proportion of reported HIV cases by exposure category and race/ethnicity,
Toronto, 1980-2004 and Ottawa, 1983-2004
Figure 13: Total AIDS cases for all exposure categories within the Black race/ethnicity group in Ontario,
Figure 14: Number and proportion of HIV diagnoses among females by year of diagnosis and
exposure category, Ontario 2005
Figure 15: Cumulative number of Canadian perinatally HIV-exposed infants by ethnic status, 1984-2006
Figure 16: Proportion of HIV-positive tests received through IME and geographic location of birth of applicant, January 15, 2002 to December 31, 2006
Figure 17: HIV strains
Figure 18: HIV-1 B and non-B strain distribution in Canada 1984 – March 31, 2005
Figure 19: HIV-1 B and non-B strain distribution in the HIV-endemic exposure subcategory in Canada
1984 – March 31, 2005
Figure 20: Project breakdown according to organization categories
Table 1: Black population by age group and immigrant status, Canada 2001
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