As we move into a New Year, the second wave of the H1N1 flu virus outbreak has
tapered off.
Over the last few weeks, all influenza activity indicators are either within or below the
expected range for a normal flu season. Our FluWatch surveillance system allows us
to track influenza activity based on a number of indicators, including the percentage
of people and the number of people testing positive for H1N1 flu virus, reported
hospitalizations with influenza-like illness, the rate of healthcare visits for influenza
like symptoms, and sales of antivirals (drugs used to treat influenza symptoms). In
the last three weeks, only one outbreak of H1N1 was reported across the country
and only about 17 people per every 1000 healthcare visits were for influenza
symptoms, and of those who were tested for symptoms, just over one per cent tested
positive for influenza. For more details, visit
Our H1N1 immunization campaign and other infection control measures have been
successful and contributed to the end of the second wave in Canada. Across the
country, approximately 45 per cent of Canadians have rolled up their sleeves to get
the H1N1 flu shot and protect themselves and their families from this outbreak.
Additionally, every Canadian who coughed or sneezed in their sleeve, who made a
point to wash their hands frequently, and stayed home when they were sick has
contributed to our shared effort to minimize the impact of this virus.
It’s important to remember, however, that the H1N1 flu virus and seasonal flu strains
are still circulating in some communities.
Influenza is an unpredictable virus, and despite our best efforts, a third wave of H1N1
flu outbreaks could emerge, or we may see an outbreak of seasonal influenza.
We’ve made great strides as a country to control the spread of the H1N1 flu virus, but
we must remain vigilant. That’s why we encourage every Canadian to get the H1N1
flu shot and to protect themselves against seasonal flu by getting the seasonal flu
vaccine. For more information on how to protect yourself from the flu, visit
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