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Report from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System: Hypertension in Canada, 2010
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Adults with Diagnosed Hypertension and Diabetes (Prevalence)1
In 2006/07, 5.1% of Canadians (about 1 million) aged 20 years and older were living with both diabetes and
hypertension diagnosed by a physician.
- 22.7% of adults with diagnosed hypertension also had diabetes in 2006/07.
- Adults with diagnosed hypertension were diagnosed with diabetes 6 times more often than those without hypertension.
- 62.8% of adults with diagnosed diabetes also had diagnosed hypertension in 2006/07.
- Adults with diagnosed diabetes were diagnosed with hypertension 3 times more often than those without diabetes.
There was a relative increase of 31.2% in the age-standardized prevalence rates of diagnosed diabetes among adults
with diagnosed hypertension from 10.9% in 2000/01 to 14.3% in 2006/07, with a similar increase in both men and
women (Figure 12). This is consistent with the increase in the prevalence of diabetes seen in the whole population.

Figure 12 - Text Equivalent
1 Data for Nunavut and Québec were unavailable.
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