Public Health Agency of Canada
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Mental Illness Facts and Figures

Twenty percent of Canadians will personally experience a mental illness during their lifetime.

One year prevalence of specific mental illnesses:

  • major depression - 4.8%
  • bipolar disorder - 1.0%
  • schizophrenia - 0.2% to 2.0%,
  • anxiety disorders - 4.7% to 12%
  • personality disorders - 6.0% to 9.0%
  • eating disorders - 0.5%
  • substance abuse - 3.1%
  • Regular heavy drinking - 18.6%
  • Alcohol or illicit drug dependence - 3.1%
  • problem Gambling
  • Moderate risk for problem gambling - 1.5%
  • Problem gambler - 0.5%

Source: "The Human Face of Mental Health and Mental Illness In Canada 2006"

Hospitalizations for Mental Illnesses

  • nearly one-half of all general hospital admissions for one of the seven most common mental illnesses (listed above plus attempted suicide) involve individuals between the ages of 25 and 44 years.
  • the second highest hospitalization rates are among young people aged 15 to 24 years.

More information on hospitalization rates can be found in the report: "The Human Face of Mental Health and Mental Illness In Canada 2006", page 151:


Suicide, although not a mental illness, is sometimes the consequence for people with mental illness. Some mental disorders such as depression or schizophrenia, place people at higher risk for suicide.

  • 2% of all deaths
  • 22% of all deaths among those aged 15 - 24 years
  • 17% of all deaths among those aged 25 - 44 years

Sources: Deaths - All Cause, 2004, CANSIM Table 102-0551 Table, and Deaths - Suicide: CANSIM Table 102-0551 cited April 15, 2008.