Q. How do I request hard copies of Public Health Agency of Canada or Health Canada publications, and where do I order Health Canada publications that are not available Online?
A. To order printed copies of Public Health Agency of Canada or Health Canada publications, please send your requests to publications@hc-sc.gc.ca.
To ensure 2-4 weeks delivery, provide your first and last name, full Canadian mailing address including postal code and a telephone number where you can be reached during the day. The title of the publications and the quantities.
To order using the telephone within Canada, call our toll free number 1-866-225-0709 (TTY: 1 800 267-1245) and ask for Publications. For calls outside Canada, please call our public inquiries line at (613) 957-2991 and ask for Publications.
Q. How do I apply for a health card or replace my present health card? Who do I contact for a change of address for my provincial health care?
A. Health cards are a provincial and territorial responsibility.
Please contact the health ministry of your province or territory for more
information. Health Canada Online has links to these health
ministries .
For additional information on Canadian health care insurance, please consult
asked questions
this subject.
Q: How do I obtain a copy of my immunization records?
A. The provinces and territories are responsible for planning, funding, and delivering immunization programs.
For more information about immunization records, please contact your provincial/territorial Ministry of Health. A comprehensive listing of provincial and territorial websites can be found at the following link: www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hcs-sss/delivery-prestation/ptrole/index-eng.php
Q. I am travelling out of the country. What shots are required for my trip?
A. It is recommended that you contact a qualified health professional at a travel health clinic closest to you. The Public Health Agency's Travel Medicine Program has a list of travel clinics across Canada listed on their Web site.
Q. How can I apply for jobs within the federal government? Can I send the Public Health Agency of Canada my resume?
A. Unfortunately, we do not keep resumes on file that we receive
through general inquiries. For employment opportunities within the federal
government, please visit the Government of Canada's Jobs Web site at: jobs-emplois.gc.ca/
Q. How do I apply for the Federal
Student Work Experience Program?
A. FSWEP is the primary vehicle through which federal departments and agencies recruit students for some 7,000 temporary student jobs each year. FSWEP gives full-time secondary school, CEGEP, college, technical institute and university students:
Q. How can I get a job in Canada?
A. You can contact the Canadian
Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC).
CICIC collects, organizes, and distributes information, and acts as a
national clearing house and referral service to support the recognition
and portability of Canadian and international educational and occupational
CICIC was established after Canada ratified the UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees concerning Higher Education in the States belonging to the Europe Region, in 1990, to assist Canada in carrying out its obligations under the terms of this convention. The convention promotes international mobility by advocating wider recognition of higher education and professional qualifications.
You should also contact the Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada . The College is the
voice of specialty care in Canada. It ensures that the training and evaluation
of medical and surgical specialists in 60 specialties and two special
programs attain the highest standards.
Q. How can I get a job in Canada?
A. The worlds largest student organisation, AIESEC is a global network of 50,000 members across more than 83 countries and territories at more than 800 universities world-wide. AIESEC facilitates international exchange of thousands of students and recent graduates each year.
Q. How can I get a job in Canada?
A. The International
Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE)
provides work experience abroad for skill enhancement. It also provides
support with practical arrangements i.e. work permits / visa, accommodation
and travel.
Q. I have a personal medical problem and am seeking advice. Are you able to provide me with such advice?
A. The Public Health Agency of Canada is not engaged in rendering medical advice. If you have a medical problem, question or concern, please contact a qualified health professional.
Q. I am looking for a Federal Government employee. Where can I obtain their contact information?
A. You can search for any employee within the Federal Government by visiting the Government Electronic Directory Services (GEDS). It lists the names, titles, telephone numbers, fax numbers and mailing addresses of departmental employees.
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