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Bioterrorism and Emergency Preparedness
In Canada, all levels of government are involved in preparing for and responding
to an emergency or disaster. Municipal governments respond to local emergencies.
Provincial and territorial governments respond to emergencies within their
borders, but may ask for federal government assistance if the emergency
exceeds their resources.
At the federal level, if assistance is requested
or if the emergency involves more than one province or territory, the
Government of Canada will mobilize its resources.
In the event of an emergency
that poses a risk to public health, the Public Health Agency of Canada,
under the co-ordination of Public
Safety (PS) and
with other Government departments such as Health
Canada, plays
a key role in protecting the health and safety of Canadians. For example,
Agency staff work closely with Health Canada experts in areas such as
blood safety and chemical, biological and radio-nuclear emergencies. They
also work with the Canadian
Food Inspection Agency on food safety.
The Agency's bioterrorism and emergency response responsibilities
- developing and maintaining national emergency response plans, such as
the National Smallpox Contingency Plan;
- managing the Quarantine
which enforces the Quarantine Act at Canadian border crossings and ports
of entry;
- developing laboratory protocols for testing for potential
biologic terrorism agents and training the Canadian
Public Health Laboratory Network in their use;
- developing protocols and rapid diagnostic tests
for bioterrorist agents and providing these tests to the Canadian Public
Health Laboratory Network;
- maintaining a deployable laboratory capacity,
including mobile equipment, and Microbiological Emergency Response Teams
ready to quickly deploy across Canada or abroad;
- acting as the focal
point for Canada's National Emergency Response Assistance Plan for the
transportation of Human Risk Group IV agents (e.g., ebola, marburg,
nipah, crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever)
- monitoring disease outbreaks and
global disease events through the Global
Public Health Intelligence Network;
- managing the National Emergency Stockpile System, a $330 million
system that provides emergency medical supplies and pharmaceuticals
quickly to provinces and territories when requested;
- working with provinces,
territories and local public health authorities to ensure that front-line
health workers have the tools to deal with, identify, and diagnose an
event requiring emergency medical supplies; and
- establishing emergency
medical response surge capacity, in the form of Health Emergency Response
Teams, to assist provinces, territories and other jurisdictions, upon
their request, in relieving the effects of medical and health major

Emergency Operations Centres
The Public Health Agency of Canada works closely with Health Canada, the Department of National Defence and Public
Safety (PS) as part of a system of Emergency
Operation Centres (EOCs) that may be mobilized in response to calls for
emergency assistance from provincial and territorial governments, from other
parts of the Government of Canada as well as from other international health
organizations. The entire system is linked to the government-wide Emergency
Management Response System managed by Public Safety (PS).
The EOC system features:
- “user-friendly” communication capacity including satellite,
cellular, two-way radios and land line phone connections to facilitate
communicating with anyone anywhere, as well as being able to divert incoming
calls to other crisis management centres;
- smart boards and writeable walls
for collecting and sharing data;
- capability of communicating and displaying
information directly from other emergency response centres worldwide;
- video displays that have the capacity of displaying video images from
workstations, portable laptops, video conference system, DVD, VCR, document
- media monitoring capabilities;
- emergency management software to assist
in the effective management of all phases of a crisis;
- telephones with
visual display to interface with audio and visual media in room; and
- extensive
emergency back up power supplies.
The EOCs can operate at four levels
Level 1 - (Normal readiness) EOC staff carry out day-to-day routine business and the facility is available
for emergency training exercises, meetings and ongoing surveillance activities.
2 - (Increased vigilance) Normal activities continue to be carried
out, but EOC staff begin monitoring an evolving situation. Contingency
plans are reviewed and personnel are put on stand-by
Level 3 - (Partial activation) Ongoing surveillance is increased and
some partial staffing may occur
Level 4 - (Full activation) The Public Health Agency
of Canada's Emergency
Response Plan is activated. The number of staff in the EOCs is expanded
and can provide up to 24/7 support.
Working With Our Partners
The Public Health Agency of Canada has partnerships and working relationships
with a number of international, federal/provincial/territorial and local
organizations. Together, the combined expertise provides a stronger, more
effective response to emergency situations. Examples of these partnerships:
- Canada plays a lead role in the Global Health Security Action Group
to improve public health preparedness and response to possible incidents
of chemical, biological and radio-nuclear terrorism. This group includes
the G7 countries, Mexico, the European Commission and the World Health
- The Agency, with other Government of Canada departments and
the U.K., took part in a U.S.-led counter-terrorism exercise called
TopOff3. This exercise was designed to familiarize senior officials with
the issues associated with a terrorist attack involving weapons of mass
destruction, and helped participants practise their roles and responsibilities
in a bio-terrorism event.
- The Agency worked with the World Health Organization
to develop and implement the Global Public Health Intelligence Network
- a secure internet-based “early
warning” system that gathers information about potential public health
issues worldwide, including chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear
(CBRN) threats, on a “real-time”, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
basis. This unique multilingual system gathers and provides relevant information
by monitoring global media sources in seven languages - Arabic, Traditional
and Simplified Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
- The Agency is
a partner on many projects being funded by the Government of Canada's Chemical,
biological, radiological and nuclear Research and Technology Initiative
to improve Canada's preparedness for and response to terrorist activities.
- With its Canadian partners, the Agency has set up a new Canadian Bioterrorism
Lab Response Network, with the Agency's National Microbiology Laboratory
at the hub. The primary goal of this Canada-wide network is to ensure
that local, provincial and federal labs can quickly test and identify
unknown agents.
- The Agency also continues to work within a federal//provincial/territorial
Network on Emergency Preparedness and Response to strengthen the capacity
throughout the country to deal with any national health emergency.
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