Public Health Agency of Canada
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Publications / Resources

Our Food, Our Stories – 2009, Celebrating Our Gifts from the Creator
Celebrating Our Gifts from the Creator is a collection of traditional recipes, stories and photographs from AHSUNC sites across Canada. In 2008, the AHS Association of British Columbia (ASHABC) began the process of creating a National Nutrition Resource and Cookbook, by inviting recipes from all the AHSUNC sites across Canada. These recipes reflect the culture and identify of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people in Canada as they celebrate their connectedness to the land. To obtain a copy of this book, please contact AHSABC at: (250) 858-4543 or at: (External link) External link

2008 AHSUNC Site Map (to come)
The program has 129 AHSUNC sites operating in eight provinces and all three northern territories. AHSUNC was designed to be flexible and diverse enough to meet the wide range of needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis cultures living in markedly different circumstances and geographical locations. Sites are locally designed and controlled, and administered by non-profit Aboriginal organizations. Approximately 4,500 children are enrolled in AHSUNC sites each year.

Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities – Program and Participants, 2001
This is the third report in a series of annual survey results for AHSUNC. It presents highlights of the survey findings in 2001. Approximately 98 percent of AHSUNC sites across the country consistently participate in national evaluation activities.

Aboriginal Head Start Urban and Northern Initiative: Principles and Guidelines - 1998
The Principles and Guidelines provide the basic fundamentals of the program. They have been designed so that AHSUNC sites will continue to strive to achieve excellence, while meeting or exceeding relevant, applicable provincial and territorial child care and pre-school standards and regulations.

Documents de référence historiques

Program and Participants 2000 Report
This report is the second in a series of annual process evaluation survey results for the AHSUNC program. It presents key findings of the National Administrative and Process Evaluation Survey 2000.

Aboriginal Head Start Urban and Northern Initiative
Biennial Report 1998/1999 – 1999/2000

This report provides information about the Aboriginal Head Start (AHS) program in urban and northern communities for the period of April 1, 1998 - March 31, 2000.

Children Making a Community Whole reports on the results of the first AHSUNC National Process and Administrative Evaluation Survey, conducted in 1999. Data from this survey demonstrate impressive accomplishments in AHSUNC communities.
Executive Summary (407 KB)
Full document (1387 KB)