Public Health Agency of Canada
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Physical Activity

Physical Activity Guidelines

What are the guidelines?

Physical activity guidelines provide advice on how much physical activity is generally recommended to realize health benefits.

To help Canadians move towards healthier lifestyles, the Public Health Agency of Canada supported the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) in reviewing the scientific evidence on physical activity and developing new physical activity guidelines.

About the new guidelines

This link will take you to another Web site (external site) CSEP released new physical activity guidelines on January 24, 2011. The guidelines describe the amount and types of physical activity that offer substantial health benefits to children, youth, adults and older adults. The guidelines reflect advances in exercise science and input from experts in the field and align with international guidelines used in other countries.

Canada’s physical activity guides

The previous guidelines were communicated in Canada’s Physical Activity Guides, which were developed by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) in 1998 (adults), 1999 (older adults) and 2002 (children and youth), based on evidence available at that time.

Canada's Physical Activity Guides are no longer being distributed by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Canadians are encouraged to consult this website as new tools and resources are developed to align with the new recommendations. To obtain the new physical activity guidelines, please visit This link will take you to another Web site (external site) CSEP's website.

Canada’s physical activity news bulletin

For more information about how the physical activity guidelines were developed, please read the August issue of Canada’s Physical Activity News