The Extraordinary Assistance Plan (EAP) was established in May 1990 to provide financial assistance to an estimated 1250 individuals infected by HIV through blood or blood products received in Canada. This assistance plan is funded solely by the federal government and consists of one lump sum payment of $120,000, tax free.
Once approved for financial assistance for the EAP, individuals become eligible for additional assistance from MPTAP (the Multi-Provincial/Territorial Assistance Program), which provides $30,000 per annum for life. In some jurisdictions, this amount has been linked to the cost of living and the actual annual payment is in excess of $30,000.
You may be eligible to apply for this assistance if:
The estates of deceased persons, who would have met the first two criteria above and who were resident in Canada at the time of death, may also apply to the EAP.
The EAP is administered by the Public Health Agency of Canada. For more information or to apply for assistance, please call 613-957-8266.
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