The flu affects 5 to 15% of Canadians each year. While the majority who become sick will recover, the flu results in an average of 20,000 hospitalizations and 2,000 to 8,000 deaths in Canada each year.
Flu shot offers the best protection
Combined with regular hand washing, the flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and others from the virus. Canada's National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) encourages all Canadians over age six months to get a flu shot. It is particularly important for health professionals to be immunized to protect themselves and their patients
Get your flu shot early
Each year there is a new vaccine to protect against new strains of the influenza virus. The best time to get your influenza vaccine is early, between October and December, before the number of influenza cases increases in Canada. But, the shot is still effective even if you put off getting it until later in the season. It takes about two weeks after immunization before the flu shot gives you full protection.
Prevent the flu
• Get a flu shot Understanding Influenza (fact sheet) Protect Yourself from the Flu (poster) What's the difference between a cold and the flu? |
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