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Welcome to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s INJURY e-Bulletin.
This e-Bulletin is intended for those who use Canadian injury data and are involved in injury prevention. Our aim is to communicate injury statistics in a timely and user-friendly fashion.
The INJURY e-Bulletin is produced by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Injury and Child Maltreatment Section. A core objective of this section is to contribute to the reduction and severity of injuries in Canada.
Content of the bulletin is provided as an information-sharing service and inclusion of non-Public Health Agency of Canada links does not represent endorsement.
New CHIRPP INJURY Data Analysis is available on the following topics:
Find out more about the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (CHIRPP)
Find out more about the Pubic Health Agency of Canada and Injury Prevention
Updated for 2005:
Canadian Injury Data updated for 2005 are available on the Injury Surveillance On-Line (ISOL) website. You will be able to look at injury mortality and hospital separations by province and territory, by new age groups, and over time.
Understanding the magnitude and scope of the financial costs associated with injuries is an essential element to injury prevention. SMARTRISK has released a new report, The Economic Burden of Injury in Canada, which fulfills this need. This report looked at unintentional and intentional injuries in 2004, and estimated the total costs to Canadians were $19.8 billion. Detailed costs for Canada, as well as by province, are presented. The Public Health Agency of Canada is pleased to have been involved in this important project.
The Executive Summary and the
complete study may be accessed by direct link to the web pages of the
SMARTRISK Foundation.
Health Canada's mission is to help the people of Canada maintain and improve their health. The Consumer Product Safety Directorate deals with reports of alleged violations of the Hazardous Products Act and its regulations and the Cosmetic Regulations made under the Food and Drugs Act, with regard to consumer products and cosmetics.
Health Canada is also interested in receiving reports of incidents (health and safety complaints) or injury reports related to consumer products and cosmetics. For recalled products, incidents or injuries may be about the same hazard or may be about a different hazard related to the same product.
10th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion
September 21-24, 2010, London, UK
British Columbia Injury Prevention Conference
November 8-9, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia
If you would like to be added or removed from this mailing list, or would like to contribute links, please contact the INJURY e-bulletin editor at CHIRPP.
Injury e-Bulletin
Injury and Child Maltreatment Section
Division of Health Surveillance and Epidemiology
Public Health Agency of Canada
Fax: (613) 941-9927
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