These documents are products of the partners of Mental Health Promotion Unit and are not Departmental publications. Where indicated please contact the publisher directly.
The Practical Guide is meant to support program directors throughout the
decision-making process specific to program development and evaluation. It
proposes a mode of operating to enable program directors and researchers
to forge a satisfying and productive partnership. The first section of the
Guide presents a frame of reference for program development and a decision-support
tool (Program DST). This tool comprises a grid to be completed and an explanatory
text for each item of the grid. The second section of the Guide proposes
a frame of reference for program evaluation and another decision-support
tool (Evaluation DST), which also consists of a grid and an explanatory text.
Examples illustrate how to complete the grids. The Practical Guide may be
used regardless of mental health problem, target population or level of program
Form PDF Format 134 KB
Mental Health Promotion Tool Kit: A
Practical Resource for Community Initiatives The Canadian Mental
Health Association National Office
To order please contact 416-484-7750 (Sylvia). Also available on-line
Suicide Prevention and Mental Health
Promotion in First Nations and Inuit Communities by Laurence
J. Kirmayer, M.D., Lucy J. Boothroyd, M.Sc., Arlene Laliberté,
B.A., Brenda Laronde Simpson, M.Ed.
the Roof - Developing a Sexuality Education Program while
Adopting a Mental Health Promotion Approach
by The Cape Breton Wellness Centre, University College of Cape Breton
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