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Mental Illness and Violence: Proof or Stereotype?

Prepared by:
Julio Arboleda-Flórez, MD, FRCP(C), DABFP, PHD Epidemiology,
Heather L. Holley, MA, PHD Epidemiology,
Annette Crisanti, MSc, PhD Epidemiology (Student)
Calgary World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health

Health Promotion and Programs Branch
Health Canada

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

  1. Introduction
    Study Mandate
    Target Audience for this Report
    Definition of Terms
    Serious Mental Illness
    Search Strategy
    Critical Review Strategy
    Organization of this Report

  2. Summary of Key Findings
    Community-Based Studies
    General Population Samples
    Police-Citizen Encounters
    Studies of Psychiatric Patients
    Studies of Incarcerated Offenders
    Prevalence Studies
    Analytic Studies of Mental Disorder and Violence
    Follow-up Studies of Offenders Released into the Community
    Summary of Key Findings

  3. Critical Review: Does Mental Illness Cause Violence?
    Control for Confounding Factors
    Confounding by Definition
    Possible Confounding Due to Psychiatric Medications
    Selecting Subjects to Avoid Bias
    Classification of Mental Illness and Violence (Information Bias)
    What Comes First? Temporal Ordering of Factors
    Biological Plausibility
    Proof or Stereotype?
    Potential Directions for Future Research


Appendix A: Annotated Bibliography
Community studies: Empirical Studies based on General Population Samples
Studies of Psychiatric Patients
Studies based on Samples of Incarcerated Offenders
Other Empirical Studies of Interest
Review Articles and Key Position Papers

Appendix B: Glossary of Terms

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National Clearinghouse on Family Violence
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Health Canada
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The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent those of Health Canada, or any of the organizations on the advisory committee for this project.

Également disponible en français sous le titre
Maladie mentale et violence : un lien démontré ou un stéréotype?

© Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1996
ISBN 0-662-24073-1
Cat. No. H39-346/1996E

Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data
Main entry under title:
Mental lllness and Violence: Proof or Stereotype?
Issued also in French under title:
Maladie mentale et violence : un lien démontré ou un stéréotype?
Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 0-662-24073-1
Cat No. H39-346/1996E

1. Mental illness
2. Violence — Psychological aspects
I.     Arboleda-Flórez, J. (Julio), 1939-
II.   Canada. Health Promotion and Programs Branch
III.  Canada. Health Canada

RC480.53M46 1996              616.89         C96-980003-7