E-Bulletin |
First Edition |
Welcome to the first National Clearinghouse on Family Violence (NCFV) E-Bulletin, a quarterly newsletter for those interested in family violence prevention. It is produced by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), on behalf of the Family Violence Initiative (FVI) of the Government of Canada. We hope that this medium will enhance our efforts to facilitate communication among Canadian family violence prevention stakeholders. On behalf of the federal government, the Public Health Agency of Canada coordinates the activities of the 15 departments, agencies and Crown corporations that are members of the Family Violence Initiative. With the long-term goal of reducing the occurrence of family violence in Canada, the Government of Canada provides the Family Violence Initiative with $7 million permanent annual funding. This allocation supports and complements activities across seven departments and agencies: • Public Health Agency of Canada The following departments address family violence issues through existing departmental programs and activities: • Indian and Northern Affairs Canada The FVI promotes public awareness of the risk factors of family violence and the need for public involvement in responding to it; strengthens the criminal justice, housing, and health systems to respond; and supports data collection, research and evaluation efforts to identify effective interventions. Under the Family Violence Initiative, the Public Health Agency of Canada also manages the National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, Canada's resource centre for information on violence within the family. It provides a centralized and comprehensive reference, referral and distribution service for information on aspects of family violence prevention, protection and treatment. For more information on the Clearinghouse and the Initiative, please visit We want to hear from you! Please send your comments and feedback to our editor at: ![]() Fast Facts – Child Maltreatment: The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect -2003 is the second nation-wide study to examine the incidence of reported child maltreatment and the characteristics of the children and families investigated by Canadian child welfare services. In 2003, neglect was the most common form of substantiated maltreatment in Canada. Nearly a third (30%) of all cases in which maltreatment was substantiated involved neglect as the primary category of maltreatment (an estimated 30,366 child investigations; a rate of 6.38 per 1,000 children). Exposure to domestic violence was the second most common form (an estimated 29,370 cases of substantiated maltreatment; a rate of 6.17 per 1,000 children). Centre of Excellence for Child Welfare information sheet: Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect - 2003 Major Findings: ![]() Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends 2006, submitted by Status of Women Canada Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends 2006 includes, where the sample size permitted, analysis of the 2004 General Social Survey’s (GSS) new stalking module; analysis of the 2002/2003 Victims Services Survey; sentencing in family violence cases; and analysis of violence against Aboriginal women and visible minority women. Federal, Provincial and Territorial (FPT) Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women meet annually to discuss topics of common interest and examine opportunities to jointly undertake work that will advance the equality of women in Canada. Addressing violence against women has been identified as a priority and at a July 1999 meeting the Ministers released their Strategic Framework document on preventing violence against women. According to the document’s findings, although many accomplishments in addressing the issue have been made, much remains to be done. Ministers agreed that evaluation and performance measurement of publicly funded violence prevention programs and initiatives were required to assess progress in this area. In September 2000 FPT Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women commissioned Statistics Canada to produce a set of indicators on violence against women and in December, 2002, they released Assessing Violence Against Women: A Statistical Profile. The indicators in the Profile complemented the Economic Gender Equality Indicators that were released at the October 1997 Ministers’ meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and updated in March 2001, and contributed to a holistic picture of the situation of women in Canada and progress toward equality for women. Based on statistical data, Assessing Violence Against Women showed the severity and extent of violence against women in Canada and provided a statistical profile at the national, provincial and territorial levels where possible. In 2004, FPT Ministers decided to update Assessing Violence Against Women and again commissioned Statistics Canada to undertake this work. The report builds on previous work and adds new content; it adds a third time period to the indicators in order to paint a clearer picture of violence against women over time. Specifically, Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends 2006 includes, where the sample size permitted, analysis of the 2004 General Social Survey’s (GSS) new stalking module, analysis of the 2002/2003 Victims Services Survey, sentencing in family violence cases and analysis of violence against Aboriginal women and visible minority women. The 2004 GSS gathered data from the North (Nunavut, Yukon and the Northwest Territories) for the first time on a pilot project basis. The violence indicators are designed for use by governments, women’s and other non-governmental organizations, academics and those involved in the policy process to help evaluate and improve efforts to address violence against women. It is also hoped that women and men in Canada will use these indicators in their efforts to prevent and respond to violence in our society. It is anticipated that Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends 2006 will be released simultaneously by FPT Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women at their annual meeting and by Statistics Canada in the Daily in early October 2006. ![]() Publications New Publications for Distribution: Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect - 2003 Major Findings Child Sexual Abuse: Overview Paper (Updated) Child Maltreatment: A "What to Do" Guide for Professionals Who Work With Children Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile 2006 Feelings: Responding to your child’s feelings Violence in Dating Relationships: Overview Paper (Updated) Library New to the Library Reference Collection: 2006 report card on the status of women in New Brunswick / Bulletin 2006 de la situation des femmes au Nouveau-Brunswick [See Violence, pg. 71], by Wendy Johnston; New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women. / Conseil consultatif sur la condition de la femme du Nouveau-Brunswick. Fredericton, NB: The Council, 2006, 79 pgs. Conflict resolution toolbox: models and maps for analyzing, diagnosing and resolving conflict, by Gary T. Furlong. Mississauga, ON: Wiley, 2005, 256 pgs. [Call no.: ncvf/HM1126/F748/2005] Martin's annual criminal code, 2005, annotations by Edward L. Greenspan & Marc Rosenberg. Aurora, ON : Canada Law Book Inc., 2005, 1560+ pgs. [Call no.: NCFV Ref./KE8809.2/M379/2005] Social problems and quality of life, by Robert H. Lauer. Toronto; Montreal: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2006, 416 pgs. [Call no.: ncfv/HN106/S678/2005] Publisher's abstract: http://www.mcgrawhill.ca/highereducation/php/bookinfo.php?isbn=0070939918&pNumber=844853 Something girl, by Beth Goobie. Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers, 2005, 105 pgs. [Call no.: ncfv/HV6626.5/G644/2005] Publisher's abstract: http://www.orcabook.com/BookWebPages/Soundings/SomethingGirl.htm Amour, violence et adolescence, par Mylène Fernet. Sainte-Foy, QC: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2005, 249 p. [Cote.: ncfv/HQ801.83/F523/2005] Résumé d'éditeur : http://www.puq.uquebec.ca/fr/repertoire_fiche.asp?titre=collections&titre2=32&noProduit=D1347 Tempête dans la famille: les enfants et la violence conjugale, par Isabelle Côté, Louise-François Dallaire, et Jean-François Vézina. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l'Hôpital Sainte-Justine, 2005, 134 p. [Cote: ncfv/HV6626/C843/2004] Résumé d'éditeur : http://www.chu-sainte-justine.org/applications/editions/texte.asp?section=cparents_famille#tempete La violence au préscolaire et au primaire : les défis et les enjeux de la collaboration entre l'école et les parents, par Maryse Paquin, Marie Drolet et Rachel Hasan. Sainte-Foy, QC: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2005, 323 p. [Cote: ncfv/LB3013.34C3/P795/2005] Résumé d'éditeur : http://www.puq.uquebec.ca/fr/repertoire_fiche.asp?titre=titres&noProduit=D1383 Videos New to the Video Collection: Childhood Lost - this video examines the experiences of child abuse and child sexual abuse suffered by four individuals sent to residential schools Ma mère, mon agresseure - ce film examine les agressions sexuelles commises par des femmes, le plus souvent la mère Publications: • Child Maltreatment in Canada: Overview Paper (Updated) ![]() Events (in chronological order) September 28-29, 2006 - Celebrating the Power of Families and Communities, Winnipeg, MB http://www.familyservicecanada.org/conference/2006/index_e.html October 11th-12th, 2006 - UN Study on Violence Against Children - Launch of the Study Report, United Nations General Assembly, New York http://www.violencestudy.org/r25 October 10-14, 2006 - International Seminar: Children with disabilities - what about their rights? Institut International Des Droits De L’Enfant, Sion, Switzerland Octobre 17-20, 2006 - The 8th International Child and Youth Care Conference et Le Congrès conjoint familles, enfance, jeunesse du Québec - Au-delà des frontières : Notre attachement aux enfants et aux familles; Palais des congrès, Montréal, QC http://www.icycc2006.com/fr/icycc2006.aspx?sortcode= October 22-24, 2006 - Violence Against Women : Diversifying Social Responses, Montréal, QC http://www.criviff.qc.ca/colloque/accueil_ang.asp November 3, 2006 - The Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre Research Day 2006, Charlottetown, PEI November 19, 2006 - World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse November 19-22, 2006 - World Forum 2006 - Future Directions in Child Welfare, Vancouver, BC http://www.worldforum2006.ca/ ![]() Canadian Institutes of Health Research - http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/ ![]() Canadian Family Violence Researcher: The Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research The FREDA Centre for Violence Research on Violence Against Women and Children Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse (RESOLVE) RESOLVE Alberta RESOLVE Saskatchewan Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children (CRI-VIFF) Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la violence famililale & la violence faite aux femmes Other Research Bodies: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PASS IT ON: Please feel free to forward this e-bulletin to others. To subscribe or unsubscribe: National Clearinghouse on Family Violence: Telephone 1-800-267-1291 or (613) 957-2938; TTY 1-800-465-7735 or 613-952-6396; Fax (613) 941-8930; Web site http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/nc-cn; e-mail ncfv-cnivf@phac-aspc.gc.ca |
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